Chapter 2

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Rune tensed up. They expected something wonky. But how do you test wonky? How do you show someone what you can do if they have nothing and no one to compare you to? She walked towards the curtains and put her hand straight through it. "This is what I can do," she said looking down, giving up on ever being normal. "I can phase through objects and walls, in normal school, they called me and upside down flicker".

The teachers whispered to themselves and wrote down in their notebooks again. "An upside-down flicker, we don't have many of those," one said. "Phasing through walls, think of the trouble she could cause!"Another said. "Our 'upside-down' class is getting pretty big," Said one with air quotes on upside down. She probably thought she was wonky. Wait a minute.

They had a whole class of upside-down kids? And a lot? Maybe Rune wouldn't be so alone. Maybe, just maybe, she'd look like less of a freak standing beside all those other kids with weird magic. Rune was excused so that the teachers could discuss if she would get in or not. Or more, talk about her and her freaky magic behind her back.

Rune thought. She and her mother went home in silence. People were always so silent after leaving Sage for the Big Test. There was always one question on the parent's mind, did my kid get in?

The next day, Rune's mother woke her up with a hard shake. "You got in!" She cried. Of course, she got in. having wonky kids in your school could get you on the news, they would obviously let her in. Nevertheless, Rune's parents made her a special breakfast and were over the moon as they went uniform shopping and helped her pack. They were even still over the moon as they dropped her off at Sage a week later.

Rune hugged them goodbye and toured around the school. To the cafeteria, to the skunk garden, to the place where they would have morning assembly every day, all around the school. And then finally, the dorms. Rune put down her stuff and sat down on a bed. She wanted to cry. I don't belong here, She thought. They only want me because I'm a wonko.

Just then, a girl walked up to her. "Hi, my name's Harvi Fowler," She said, her dirty blonde hair swooshed as she cocked her head to the side. "You look depressed". Rune didn't know why, but for some reason, this girl's concern angered her. "I'm Rune Blackleach, and you would be depressed too if you knew you were only here because you have wonky magic," she sniffed. Harvi rolled her eyes at her.

"You do know that this is the Upside-down dorm, right? We all have, 'wonky magic idiot". She scrunched up her face. Rune blushed. She had forgotten that the dorms were sorted by talent, she didn't mean to be rude. "I'm so sorry!"She cried. "I've just had a tough week that's all." Harvi chuckled. "Haven't we all, what magic do you have anyway?" Rune didn't want to answer, sure this was an Upside Down dorm, but she didn't want to talk about her freaky magic. After all, she wasn't even really upside down, walking through walls had nothing to do with flickering! But she felt like after being so rude, answering the girl's question was the least he could do.

"I-I walk through walls...I can phase through objects too. If I tried, I could phase through this bed, lucky me the floor always stops me from phasing through the floor to the center of the Earth". Rune half expected the girl to laugh. But instead, she jumped up and down, clapping. "Your magic is so cool and outside the box! I wish I had your magic!"

What?! Rune practically screamed in her head. If she wanted her magic, she could take it! Spare Rune from falling through her bed ever again. "My magic isn't even that special," Harvi continued, to Rune's dismay. "I'm an upside down flare, but Snorace Horace prides himself in calling me a 'double talent'. I have pretty weak flare magic, but my really powerful magic is electricity,"

Harvi lifted her hand into the air, creating sparks, little lightning bolts! She directed her power at the ceiling and made the lights flicker on and off. Speaking of flicker, "Isn't that kind of flicker magic?" Rune wondered aloud. "Turning light off and on," Harvi smirked. "You might think that now, but if you saw me do lightning, you'd swear I was a weather flare".

Just then, a girl appeared out of clean air! "You know you're not supposed to use your powers in the dorms," Harvi said, hands on hips. "Like you haven't been using your powers too," The girl practically collapsed on the bed. "That's Cassandra," Harvi said with a frown. "We knew each other in normal school".

Cassandra stood up to walk over to them, pushing Harvi away. "I can introduce myself just fine!" She boomed. "I'm Cassandra Lindsay, you can not call me Cassie.I'm an upside down flyer, I...teleport. Oh, and you'll never believe what happened when my powers first came in! I-",

"She was bored in a lecture, next thing we knew, she had teleported all the way home," Harvi interrupted. "I don't need you to speak for me!" Cassandra huffed. "Did you teleport back to school?" blurted Rune curiously. "No." Cassandra sighed. "I didn't have any control of my powers back then," She bent her back over dramatically. "You still don't have control over your magic now," Harvi rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I do! I can teleport three times in a row now!" Cassandra stomped her foot. "How many tries did it take you to teleport here?" Harvi crossed her arms. Cassandra's face turned red as a cherry. "That's not important! At least-at least, I can use my power! You can barely flare at all!"

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