Chapter 3

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"You won't believe what I saw."

Xander's head shot up and he stared down at the doctor. "What does that mean?" He growled out.

The doctor was barely startled, it would be sad to say he was used to it already, but he really was. He lost count of the number of times mates tried to Attack him just because he had to kick them out to attend to his patients.


"Come in," the doctor said as he pushes open the doors. It creaked softly but all Xander heard was the soft breathing of his mate. His sensitive ears could hear his mate groan softly in his sleep.

Xander let out the tiniest of smiles when he saw his mate so comfortable sound asleep. However, what shocked him was his bandages that were wrapped around his chest. Xander looked up at the doctor for an explanation.

"He shows signs of abuse. There were scars on his back that reopened," the doctor lifted up Morris's hands, exposing nasty cuts and scars. "Some of these were self inflicted, some are obviously done by someone else. There are burn marks and cuts on his thighs, and he is seriously food deprived." The doctor explained, pulling the covers back up to cover Morris's body.

Xander's hands were shaking so hard. "Can you get Kai and Knox here please." He whispered. He was trembling so hard and he was trying so hard not to lash out at anyone.

"Now!" He growled angrily at the doctor. "Before I start killing someone." He added. The doctor gave him a firm nod and rushed out of the room.

Xander reaches out to his mate, he felt calmer when he touched his cheeks. But anger came back when he remembered what the duct or said.

"Fuck!" He cursed loudly. He wanted to cry. And he never cried since he was 6.

His loud outburst woke Morris up.

Morris jerked awake, confused at first. But when he realised he wasn't home, he started panicking, what didn't help was the fact that Xander didn't know what to do.

And Xander looked intimidating.

Morris was so scared, he was in a hospital shirt and Kai's shorts, since they couldn't find anything else his size.

Kai's shorts were so short, Morris knew that if he were to bend down, his ass cheeks would be exposed. He felt so exposed, so ugly. His scars were on display and he wanted to cry.

He felt disgusting.

When Xander tried to approach the little trembling mess, Morris shot his hands out. "Stay away."

Kai and Knox burst into the room though, and that startled Morris even more.

Morris grabbed a pen he found laying on the desk beside his bed. He scrambled out of bed and clicked the pen. He place the pen above his wrist.

"I will stab myself if you come closer." Morris threatened. He wouldn't though, he wouldn't dare. The pen wasn't even sharp so he knew how much force was needed to even stab himself to bleed.

However, that threat scared Xander and Kai. Kai was hiding behind Knox, who was trying so hard to calm both his brother and lover down.

Morris was scanning the room, trying to find an escape route.

The window. Morris knew he couldn't be more than 3 stories high, since the trees were taller than they were.

He wouldn't die if he jumped from this story.

Kai could tell what he was thinking, it was his special power, mind reading.

He jumped in front of Knox and signed furiously.

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