AiEra's Author-chan's feelings towards her story

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Hi guys! It's me...

I hope you don't mind me writing this random entry on Slice of Life. I might need a separate book for stories and birthdays now that I look at the number of chapters this book currently has, both published and unpublished.

I need a break from my essay and schoolwork. How does everyone work so hard like my classmates study a lot and they still have brain energy after all that working? My brain is always getting fried even when I just stare into the existence of my homework. And I have less to study than my classmates. Maybe I'm just too lazy ToT

I'm usually on my own at school but of course, I have a few friends...

Anyways, enough ranting over life, time to talk about AiEra.

Jeez I wish I was actually working on my actual story or schoolwork but ehhhhh...




Character opinions ~~~

1) Tadashi Ichou

I actually like Tadashi, he's a savage and sassy guy. Although he's such a flirt to Reyna, Tadashi supports her and Gin's crush on each other. It's not every day you see a person who's willing to sacrifice his opportunities with a girl so that she can be happy with someone else.

There's another reason he's willing to do so, though. It's related to why Tadashi tries to be happy.

2) Ayame Akizora

Ayame is a wonderful yet selfish character. And considering the fact she has an illness and can be the top idol of Japan, Ayame is OP. Like, very OP.

Ayame is highly inspired by Kaori Miyazono from Your Lie in April, except she's an autumn character instead of a spring one like Kaori. And did I mention that Ayame is beautiful? She's probably the most beautiful character of the series.

One reason I placed her with Gin was because she's the same age as him. I mean... Gin x Ayame is kinda cute, isn't it?

*Angry Hatsuko and Reyna noises*

3) Aika Sawabe

Aika is another character I personally like. She's not your typical "nice, sweet" character. No, she's stuck-up, overconfident and independent. SHE DOESN'T NEED A MAN.

Though arguably, Aika acts the way she does because of her crappy family background (which I need to explain more in the next chapter yeeeeee). But even though she's quite arrogant from time to time, Aika isn't actually as mean as she seems. She cares about Erika and tries to help her get a premium rare because the latter is always sticking up for her. Aika also doesn't show any hatred towards Reyna or the Pearl Star Academy girls. She's just... a very sarcastic and deadpan person (mood), kind of like Tadashi but more aggressive and mean. In my opinion, Aika is quite hilarious in her own way.

4) Kosuke Atsumi

Out of all the characters, for some reason, I've chosen Kosuke. He's inspired by all you Kpop fans out there. Because a lot of people I know are crazy about Kpop. Not that I really care, I'm crazy about anime after all.

It adds variety to the cast anyways. I think it's fun to write about a Kpop-crazy character for some reason.

One of my inspirations to write a character like Kosuke is actually _QuxxnofExo_ XD

Kosuke is kind of a feminine boy, in contrast to his lovely cousin Aika, who could pass for a masculine girl.

Did I mention that his visuals are aesthetically pleasing to me?

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