The process

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I was sitting at the Poseidon table when Amora walked over sitting on my lap.

I blushed a little.

"C-can I he-help you?"

"I'm starting my testosterone therapy today." She said practically shaking with excitement.

"Th-thats gr-great."

"You have no clue what that is do you." Amora said with a chuckle.

"No.." I said truthfully.

"Well, it will change where my fat and muscle is being distributed. So I look more masculine. My voice may deepen, and it may even change my personality a bit." She explained.

"But that's just summing it up." She added.

"But most of all..It will make me feel right. My brain will finally be getting the hormone that it's been craving." She said with a smile.

I smiled to not wanting to ruin the moment with my voice.

I wrapped my arms around her stomach and rested my chin on her shoulder. I think I was going to be ok with this.

Being with her

Even if her was a him.

We'd just take it slow, besides we weren't even official yet.

"I have to leave camp for the appointment though." She said quietly.

"I-ill miss you-you." I stammered.

She smiled turning around on my lap.

I quirked an eyebrow.

"Did anybody ever tell you you're cute?" She asked.

"Ye-yes. You when we-we were" My voice got caught on the word like a broken record.

Amora frowned, "Relax Luke.."

I tried to say something but it was like there was a brick in my throat. My nose crinkled in frustration as I tried to speak but failed again.

Amora slid off my lap putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Just spit it out air head!"

My head snapped up to see the Ares cabin sneering at me.

I shook it off but I felt Amoras fist clench on my shoulder.

"Se-se-se-seven!" Another one mocked me.

"What even are you Amora?"

"A slut!" One piped in.

That's when I snapped.

I leaped over the table grabbing the closest camper and slamming them on the ground. I didn't even falter as I realized I had just tackled a significantly older guy.

I sucker punched him right in the jaw. I was about to deliver another blow when I felt strong arms pulling me off him.

I struggled kicking out.

"LUKE! Chill out man!"


Uncle Leo.

He turned me around looking mildly annoyed.

"What do you have to say for yourself man?"

If possible, my mood got worse.

I couldn't even speak for myself if I wanted to.

Not without sounding like an idiot.

My head hung shamefully.

"Look man, I won't tell your parents." Leo sighed "but no more fights ok?"

Would You Stay?~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang