Wattpad is being bitchy-

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Wattpad why are you being a bìtch, is it because I used u less than I did the other days? Is this payback because I cheated on you with YouTube? I mean- I gotta say YouTube is better than you and has never done this to me before you fucker... be glad that you are one of the only things that keep me sane-

Anyways now that I got that out of the way, wattpad is glitching and I literally cannot do anything-

Honestly all I wanted to do was read some Crankiplier... is that too much to ask?

Welp, I'm probably gonna write for a bit so I'll be online if anybody wants to talk (I will also be trying to figure out how to fix this fūcking glitch that makes me not have internet even tho I have full bars....)

Thanks again Wattpad you motherfucker...

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