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The first few times Freddie went back to the sports centre he looked for the guy who'd given him the guest pass but he never appeared. Freddie even risked asking the pixie girl behind the front desk, who's named turned out to be Sadie, about him a couple of times. She just laughed like Freddie was missing some very obvious joke he should have been in on. Freddie wasn't offended, with his mum, Lydia and now Nikki he was used to being around women who knew more than him. That seemed to be his lot in life. Freddie figure that was that, which was of course when the guy appeared again.

Freddie was running, with one hour between tutorials it was barley worth bothering but he'd had a fight with his mum that morning so he needed to let off some steam. He gave Sadie a wave, tossed his bag in a locker and jumped on the treadmill. Headphones on, he turned the speed up and let his feelings fall out of his feet. Lost inside his head, Freddie barely acknowledged the treadmill next to him, at one point he did get the all too familiar feeling of eyes on him. Accustomed to ignoring the feeling of being watched he didn't bother to check who was looking.

More relaxed on his way out, Freddie stopped to say hi to Sadie on his way out.

"Hey," he said with a broad smile striding towards her. "Sorry about before."

"It's fine," she said. "I figured you were rushing to catch your boyfriend."


"The guy you've been asking about for two weeks," Sadie said.

"What? He's here? Where?" Freddie looked around like the guy might be standing behind him but the room was empty.

"Gone," said Sadie. "But I saw you on the security camera you were literally right next to him."

"For real?" said Freddie running a hand over his face in frustration. "Crap, he must think I'm a dick."

Sadie smiled in a way that said, 'you are a dick'.

Freddie wonder if he should run out to catch him but the alarm reminding him to head to class went off before could move. Still something inside him pushed him to do something.

"Can I borrow a pen?" Freddie asked Sadie.

She handed him a pen looking confused and intrigued. Freddie grabbed one of the free postcards sitting on the desk, it advertised a two for one steak night, and wrote a note on the back.

"Give this to him when he comes in again. Please," Freddie said holding the postcard out fo Sadie.

"Do I look like a postman?" she asked.

"Please," he said titling his head a little for effect.

"Fine," she said grabbing the postcard. "But don't tell anyone I did this otherwise I'll be fielding fan mail all day."

"You're a goddess," said Freddie. "I'm gonna gush about you on the next feedback survey I get."

Freddie blew her a kiss as he ran out of the centre. When he slid into the seat Nikki had saved for him not even her teasing about his sweat pheromones distracting the tutor could shift his smile. If he had it his way, he was going to have a new friend before the weekend.

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