swimming pool

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After mouthing a couple of swear words to the Sadie through the security camera, Freddie walked through the door into the pool area. He prepared to launch right into questions about why Leo gave him a guest pass that was obviously worth money when they didn't know each other at all. Freddie didn't like owing people money, and he didn't think it was fair that Leo had indebted him without asking first. His footsteps echoed against the tiles and bounced around the room making Freddie's quest feel a little like it was happening in some kind of television drama.

Then he saw Leo and every single thought left Freddie's head. 

If it were possible for something to happen in slow motion in real life, Freddie could have sworn that happened when he saw Leo in the pool. Leo glided across the water to where Freddie was standing, probably drawn by the sound of his footsteps. Reaching the edge, Leo breached the water with a deep breath. He flipped his dark hair out of his eyes, sending water droplets shooting across the room like glitter. In one smooth movement, Leo placed his hands on the edge of the pool dragging himself out of the water one leg at a time, muscles stretching and folding as his moved. Standing, Leo ran his hands over his face and through his hair. Every inch of his tawny skin, apart from the small area covered by his swimming costume, was glistening. Freddie's breath caught in his throat, like he'd taken a whole glass of water into his lungs without warning.

Jaw dropped, Freddie knew he was staring but he couldn't bring himself to stop until Leo coughed and Freddie's mind spluttered back to reality.

"Is it seven?" Leo asked.

"I uh umm it's I got out early," Freddie stumbled through his words. Leo nodded and Freddie's eyes followed him as he walked over to grab the towel he'd left waiting for him.

"Can I shower?" Leo asked.

Freddie's mind wandered a little at that image, and then totally short circuited when he heard what Leo said next.

"Unless you want to join," 

That was the moment Freddie's soul left his body floating away from reality into a pornographic fantasy he didn't understand.

"In the pool," Leo clarified slamming Freddie back down to earth.

"Didn't bring my trunks," Freddie managed to reply eventually. "See you out there?"

Leo nodded again, almost touching Freddie as he walked past him.

It took a minute and a breath before Freddie ran out of pool and onto the treadmills. He wasn't worried about the images that had flashed across his mind. Leo was gorgeous, and Freddie was well aware. Still having sexual fantasies were not the best to start a friendship, so Freddie ran until his mind was clear and safe again. 

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