leo 2: meet cute

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Leo wasn't trying to start anything, he really wasn't. He'd learnt his lesson the hard way, but he knew to never fall for a straight boy. He really wasn't trying to start something, not even subconsciously, it was simply a shock seeing the boy from his fantasies appear in real life. Leo froze, just inside the entrance of the centre, staring at the casual confidence Freddie exuded as he leant in towards Sadie looking at her like she was the only girl in the universe. He scoffed silently, trying not to feel too smug in the knowledge that Freddie was definitely barking up the wrong tree. It was curiosity, more than anything that had him straining a little to listen to their conversation. Curiosity and a strange sort of sadomasochistic enjoyment at seeing the legend Freddie Cook finally fail.

He soon started to feel guilty, because Leo knew from Chris that Freddie wasn't a bad guy. Leo was projecting, that's what his psychologist would say. Maybe it was the guilt that made him give his guest pass to Sadie, maybe Leo had something to prove, maybe he just wanted to free Sadie from Freddie's puppy dog eyes. Whatever the underlying reason, Leo genuinely didn't expect to see Freddie again. If he went to the public gym more often, it was just for the company. Not being able to play, with his injury even though it was minor, was frustrating. Being around his teammates was a constant reminder.

It had been a few weeks by that point, so if some part of Leo did want to see Freddie again, he's basically given up hope. But there he was, panting in a tank top on the treadmill right next to Leo and he didn't even seem to realize Leo was there. That was a reality check, a perfect reminder to Leo that it was a bad idea to fall for a straight guy. He wasn't going to do it, so he left without saying anything and he was determined to stop using the public gym. Until Sadie got home from her shift and handed him one of the free marketing post cards that sat on the reception desk.

"What's this?" He asked.

"It's a postcard," Sadie replied.

Leo started at Sadie til she explained further.

"It's for you," she said. "Read it."

Confused, Leo looked at the postcard advertising two for one steak night, if it was a joke he didn't understand it. When he flipped it over he saw a hand written message that read: thanks for the guest pass, I owe you one. The message was signed, Freddie, and underneath his name was a phone number.

"What is this?" Leo asked again.

"I don't know but can you text him and tell him I'm not a postman please."

Sadie walked out of the room leaving Leo looking at the post card in his hand like it might explode. It took him almost ten minutes to find the composure to take the post card and place it in the draw of his bedside table. He had no idea what to do with it, and he still wasn't sure it was a good idea to seek Freddie Cook out but as he fell asleep that night he decided he might not be such a bad thing to spend more time in the public gym. He liked the company, after all.

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