Because of Reading

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Because of reading,
we fall in love with words.
We live so many different lives
and have traveled around the world.

Because of reading,
we know we're not alone.
We believe in the impossible,
and know our future isn't set in stone.

Because of reading,
we can go on adventures from our rooms.
We know that there's more than meets the eye,
and believe in love that's true.

Because of reading,
we know that friends can lie.
We fall in love with fictional characters
and hate their authors when they die.

Because of reading,
we use insults from books.
We like the book better than the movie
and know that choices shouldn't be overlooked.

Because of reading,
we know that books are beautiful and tragic.
We wish we could read them for the first time again,
but that would require a fictional type of magic.

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