This Side of My Skin

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This is a side of my skin
that people rarely see.
But this side of my skin
is the one that's really me.

It's the side that has faced rejection,
and the side that knows betrayal.
It's the side that knows that heartbreak
and regret can be so painful.

This side of my skin is what nobody sees.
It's the side that's covered in scars.
It's the side that's covered in riddles,
and the side with so many flaws.

This side of me feels so much pain,
and so much anger, and hate.
But this side of my skin
is the best I've had to date.

Because this side of my skin knows kindness.
It knows empathy and friendship, too.
It's gentle, because it's the side that understands
the things that people have to go through.

This side of me is broken.
I'm the only one with its key.
And that's okay, because this side of my skin
isn't for them. It's for me.

And I know you may not like it,
but it's not for you to see.
This side of my skin
is the one that's really me.

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