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"WHAT HAPPENED TO you?" Morgan came across Rebekah, who still wore the gown she was wearing last night (of what still remained of the dress).

Rebekah shook her head negatively and opened the door to the Mikaelson residency, Morgan trailing behind her and closing the door in her way in. "Well, well, well. There's our girl." Kol got up from his sit and planted his feet in front of his sister, blocking her way.

Rebekah took a sharp breath. "Get out of my way, Kol." She snarled.

"Out all night. What a scandal." He mocked. "I trust you did better than that commoner." The Original smirked and tilted his head. "Matt, was it?"

"If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." The blonde vampire threatened, but Kol just kept smiling lazily at her.

Niklaus giggled. "Don't start, Nik." She pushed past Kol.

Klaus looked up from his sketch book and contained his urge to laugh at his sister. "I didn't say anything."

Kol, who still stood in the lower step of the living room, faced Morgan, who watched the scene with a small grin. "Hello, love." He wrapped his arms around her waist and looked up at her, since she stood in a step above him.

"Hi." She smiled down at him.

The due over to the sitting area where the other siblings were. "I'm bored. Our sister is a strumpet..." He threw himself in one of the leather chairs. "But at least she's having fun." He beamed before starting to shake his head. "I need entertainment." Morgan rested one leg at the arm of the chair that Kol laid and left the other planted on the floor.

Klaus motioned his hand to Morgan. "What are you waiting for? Have at it." He threw her an amused gaze. "With your girlfriend and all."

Morgan's eyes widened. "Excuse me?"

Nik shrugged, he and his siblings hiding their smiles. "Of course I'd like to have some fun with my girlfriend." Morgan narrowed her eyes at her new title. "But I also would like to spend some quality time with my brother. Join us, Nik." He adjusted himself in the chair, pulling Morgan to sit on it with him; the two squeezing themselves to fit the tiny space. "It's the least you could do after sticking a dagger in my heart." The blonde girl urged to laugh at the face Klaus did at Kol's manipulation.

The Hybrid closed his sketch book. "Okay. Why not?" Kol smirked, tilting his head. "I didn't have enough to drink last night with you trying to rip Rebekah's date's hand off." He started to made his way to the door, Kol and Morgan getting up and trailing after him.

"Yes, please, go. This house has enough men rolling around in it." Rebekah complained.

Kol turned on his heels and pointed a finger at his sister. "Just like you, Bekah."

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