Security Breach

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As days passed, Cora realised that George Weasley was right

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As days passed, Cora realised that George Weasley was right. Professor Lupin really was not that kind of person who would dislike anyone for no reason. In fact, it seems that he is not that kind of person who would dislike anyone at all. He has been really pleasant and polite to everyone in the school, even Filch, even Draco Malfoy who never ran out of reasons to belittle him. When he could not criticise his teaching prowess, Draco would comment on his shabby robes or worn boots.

It didn't matter, though, it became evident that everyone else had great respect for the new teacher. Defence Against The Dark Arts easily became everyone's favourite subject. Although Cora still favoured Transfiguration, Defence Against The Dark Arts is now in a very close second. The week after her detention in the dungeons, Professor Lupin started to call on her to participate in the practical lessons.

However, one thing that everyone noticed is that Professor Lupin is also very sickly, just like Professor Maguire. He would take days off and Professor McGonagall or Snape would take over the class or they would have a free period.

Snape still likes bullying them: Cora and Porchey in particular. He even ducked points off of her one day just because she didn't tie her hair. Something about it getting in the way of brewing the solutions properly. She could say the same for that ugly head of his.

The Fourth Years started summoning in Charms class. From light things like feathers and sheets of parchment, they can now summon bigger and heavier things such as books or in Megumi's case, her suitcase that has all of her Manga serials. In Herbology, they finally stopped extracting Bubotuber pus and moved on to Wiggentree, the main component of Wiggenweld potion and a type of tree similar to Cora's wand material.

Cora noticed something unusual about Hermione by October. She looked a bit out of it in the past weeks and Cora would literally see her everywhere. There was that one time when she saw Hermione both in the library and in the Common Room. Cora left the library first, she was sure of it, but she saw Hermione in the Gryffindor Common Room when she got there. When she asked about the library, the younger girl told her that she stayed in the Common Room the whole time. Harry and Ron confirmed it.

The Gryffindor Quidditch team's first meeting occurred on the first Wednesday of October. The air was already chilly but it didn't stop their captain, Oliver Wood, from having the meeting in the changing rooms at the edge of the Quidditch pitch.

"This is my last chance to win the Quidditch cup." Oliver said at the start of the meeting. "After this year, I will graduate and I will never get a shot at it. Gryffindor has not won for seven years now and we've had the worst luck these past years: suspensions, the cup getting cancelled last year."

He paused before looking around the room for a dramatic effect. "But we've got the BEST RUDDY TEAM IN THE SCHOOL!"

"We have three superb chasers." He pointed at Cora, Katie (who officially became Alicia Spinnet's replacement), and Angelina Johnson. "Two unbeatable beaters-"

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