Saving the Innocents

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"Extraordinary. Yet Black, Harry, and Cordelia -"

"All unconscious by the time I reached them. I bound and gagged Black of course, conjured stretchers and brought them all back to the Castle."

There was a pause. Cora still can't open her eyes, but the voices were familiar. There was some shuffling beside her.

"Oh! Potter you're awake, good-"

"How's Ron?"

"He'll live. As for you and Charlton, you will be staying here for as long as I am satisfied- What are you doing, Potter?"

"I need to speak to the Headmaster-"

"Potter, it's alright. Black has been caught. The dementors will be performing the kiss anytime now-"

"NO!" Cora shot up from her bed as soon as she heard that Sirius Black- no, her father- will get his soul extracted. She scrambled to stand up and tried to run for the Hospital Wing door. "No-"

"CHARLTON! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Madam Pomfrey looked furious. Snape waved his wand and soft cloth wrapped around her wrists and feet.

"Minister, Professor Snape, please." Hermione said. "Sirius Black is not the one who did all of those things-"

"See, I told you, Minister." Snape said. "Black had bewitched them. A confundus charm to judge by their behavior. They are under the impression that they might be innocent-"

"WE ARE NOT CONFUNDED!" Harry said angrily. "Minister, you have got the wrong man-"

"Minister, Professor." Madam Pomfrey said. "The children are distressed, I must insist that you leave-"

"We are not distressed. I am trying to tell them what happened-" Harry was cut off by a block of chocolate being shoved by Madame Pomfrey on his mouth.

"Now, please, Minister. These children need care-" Madam Pomfrey was not able to finish her reasoning because Professor Dumbledore had just entered the infirmary.

"Professor Dumbledore. Sirius Black-" Harry tried to say while trying not to choke on the chocolate.

"For heaven's sake! Is this even a hospital wing?" Madam Pomfrey said exasperatedly. "Headmaster, I insist-"

"My apologies, Poppy. But I need a word with Harry, Hermione, and Cora-" Dumbledore stopped and frowned when he saw one of his students tied on the bed. He waved his hands and the cloth disappeared. "I just had a chat with Sirius Black-"

"I suppose he told you about some fairy tale he planted in Potter's mind?" Snape said. "Something about a rat and Pettigrew being alive-"

"You know it's true!" Cora spat at Snape.

"I need to speak to Harry, Cora, and Hermione alone." Dumbledore suddenly said. "Cornelius, Severus, Poppy. Please-"

"The children need rest! They need treatment-"

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