Lesson 1

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/ this is probably a good time to remember that it's fanfiction and has no connection to the real people other then appearance and certain personality traits, okay thanks, love y'all ! /
/ ps how y'all feeling about power bottoms Tonight ? Maybe a little/

Jungkook, oh Jungkook. A Korean who knows absolutely no Korean, according to his parents. He isn't bad at speaking, it's just not to his parents standards, he hasn't needed it to much since living in Canada anyway.

"Kookie!!! Your tutor is here !!" His mother yells sweetly and his father follows it with " we are going out now, be a good boy !!"

Jungkook walks into the kitchen to meet a handsome male, slightly curly dark hair, clothes that can only be described as something an old man would wear and the most stunning eyes. His eyes struck his very soul, but when he spoke it was like a kick to the stomach, Jungkook never believed in love at first sight.

" hello my name is Taehyung, I will be your tutor tonight, and hopefully for more nights to come"

Jungkook politely bows " thank you Taehyung...hyung... my name is Jungkook nice to meet you" Jungkook was raised with manners... no matter how horny he is.

He takes his seat next to Taehyung, and nervously shifts thinking of a plan while the handsome male sets up.

" Jungkook, I want you to complete this worksheet before we get started just to gage where you are right now, can you do that?"

" of course Hyung"

"You can call me tae"

Oh god his voice is so smooth... yet it's cutting through my soul.

Jungkook finished his work book.

" Jungkook your writing is amazing, are you sure you need a tutor"

" y-yes, well... my parents think so"

" speak to me" Taehyung smirks.

" neoege kiseuhago sip eo" Jungkook smirks back.

" isanghan Jungkook" Taehyung chuckles, which nearly makes the younger whimper.

" well, what else is there"

" well, I'll have to change up the plan to better fit your skills so that's all for tonight"
Taehyung starts to pack up.

" wait I have a skill I still need help on..." Jungkook leans in for a kiss, but he is stopped by a finger.

" Jungkook, your very handsome and I find your behavior attractive but no, I can't do that with a student"

" student" Jungkook frowns. " how old are you anyway?"

"I'm 18"

" well I'm 16! Nothing weird with that, just kiss me"

" Jungkook. No."

Jungkook huffed, he already has a plan to get fucked his this man, so he lets it go.

"Can't we just talk... my parents are paying you for the full two hours anyway"

" okay tell me about yourself" Taehyung amuses the younger, and rests his chin in his hands.

" well- I- well I guess I'll start off with the basics, I'm gay, I love noodles and meat, both kind if you know what I mean, I'm into dancing and I like to write music, annnd I play a shit ton of overwatch, what about you"

Taehyung chuckles.
" I'm gay too, would love to learn to dance with you someday, and also play lots of overwatch"

" wow- I want your dick"

" stop being so blunt" Taehyung actually blushes punching jungkook in the shoulder.

" what? It's true."

" I really should be going" Taehyung is laughs.

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