Lesson 2

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Jungkook sits at the edge of his bed waiting for his next lesson, he wasn't sure what Taehyung was into so Jungkook is playing it safe with a nearly see throw light button up and sweat pants, his logic being its easy to take off.

" Jungkook, you tutor should be here any minute remember to offer food and water, me and your father are going out now"


Jungkook ruffles his hair, and put on some chapstick before heading down stair. I need a sexy pose for when he walks in... what if I pretend like I was sleeping ? No... Jungkooks inner thoughts were flowing with ideas when he hears the door bell.
" hello handsome" Taehyung smiles, checking out the younger.

" hey" Jungkook pulls him in and takes him to his room. " I'm more comfortable in my room if you don't mind and oh- want anything to eat"

There was no objection.


" the lesson went well do you feel like you learned... Jungkook ?"

" yeah" Jungkook looked deep into Taehyungs eyes, begging for just one kiss. " don't you think I deserve an award?"

" fine" Taehyung sighs and smiles, slowly closing the gap into a short and sweet kiss. But Jungkook was hungry, his skin burning, he pulls in for another kiss with a little more force, Taehyung sighs into the kiss, there lips move together as there hands slowly start to explore eachothers body.
" want you in my bed" Jungkook moans into the kisses.

" maybe another day baby my times almost up"
Jungkook sits on Taehyungs lap grabbing at his hair, grinding down, " want it now" He moans out.

Jungkook starts unbuttoning Taehyungs shirt, kisses at his neck.
"Mm-Jungkook we shouldn't-"

The sound of feet start to roam the house, " Jungkook are you home?" He hears his mom shout.

They quickly get off eachother and fix themselfs.

" maybe next time ?" Jungkook cups Taehyung's face and gives him one last kiss.

" check your notebook for a surprise" Taehyung smiles and left.

It was his number.

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