Chapter 8

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Ch. 8

When we near the cabin, Hoody grabs my arm. He pulls me over somewhere, I'm not sure where or why.

"Did you hear anything?" he whispers, not stuttering. I shake my head.

"Neither did I. Did you see anything?" Again, I shake my head.

"Exactly! But you can feel that, right?" he exclaims, but still whispering.

He's right. I do feel something. It feels like something bad is going to happen. What that is, when it'll happen, to whom will it happen, I'm not sure. But something bad is going to happen.

"Do you know what it is?" I ask him. He shakes his head, looking around. I then notice his hand is still on my arm, and I push it away from me.

"Sorry. Don't tell anyone else that you feel that. Okay?" he says.

"But, wh-"

"Just don't. Okay?" he interrupts me. I look at him, his glowing red eyes staring into mine, searching for an answer.



I haven't been killing in a week. Last time I was out, I was with Hoody, and it felt like something bad was going to happen. It still feels that way, only 10 times worse.

It must be coming. What could it be? The police finding us? Jeff dying? (FYI, that will never happen). My mom finding out where I'm at and forcing me to come back home?

I guess I'll find out soon enough.

"Katie?" a voice says from my doorway. I turn my gaze from the ceiling towards Lost Silver, or Sil for short. He is one of my best friends here, along with Ben and Hoody. Jeff? I don't even know anymore.

"Yeah?" I say sleepily, fighting back a yawn. It fails as my mouth opens wide to let the yawn out. I mentally slap myself.

"Hoody was wondering if you wanted to go killing again. He's busy now getting ready, and that's why I'm here asking you instead of him," he says, looking straight at me.

"Sure. Now get out so I can get dressed," I respond to Sil's offer. He walks away, probably to go tell Hoody. I wonder if Maskys going.

I stand and go to my dresser to put on something to go killing in. I pick out my old pure black outfit and put it on, hurrying. I grab my knife, a new one that I picked out before I was turned into a CreepyPasta. It's a giant butchers knife. I. Love. It.

I walk down the hallway, slinging my knife as I go. I head for the door and go out. I sit beside the door, awaiting Hoody. I wonder why he wanted me to go with him. Maybe it has something to do with what happened last week.

Hoody finally walks out, holding nothing. It seems to me he had to do nothing to prepare for this killing spree. Hmmm... Nope! Not suspicious at all!!!

"There you are. I was thinking you were skipping out on me," he says.

"Skip out on a killing spree? Are you crazy?" I say, raising an eyebrow.

"Partially..." he says with a smirk. I smirk as well.

"That's why we're such great friends..." I say slyly. I stand and walk away, wanting to kill something, or as we all should know by now, someone. I have no one particular in mind, so we'll see how the night goes.

"Has anything bad happened to you? In the past week?" he says. I shake my head.

"You?" I ask. He shakes his head. "But, you've felt it grow stronger, right?"

"Yes. I have. This can't be good. Any thought on what it might be?" he says. Some things come to mind, but I don't say them.

"No. Not now. Maybe later. You?"


"That was a short no," I say, looking at him. He shrinks back.

"I know," he says. I drop it, still wondering what it is he was thinking. I would let him know what I'm thinking.

Then why didn't you?

Shut up.

"Actually, I do have a thought as to what the bad thing might be," I say, looking towards his shriveled up body. He un shrivels, just a little bit, to listen to me.

"I had thought that it might be the police discovering us, or my mom finding me and forcing me home," I whisper, leaving out the part about Jeff dying. I'm not sure what he thinks about me. I don't think I want to know anymore.

"Well, I did have one thought," he says. I look at him, awaiting his answer, and he shrivels up again. "I thought that my crush might find out that I like her..."

I wonder who his crush is. Haha, do you know how funny it would be if it was me? I doubt it though. I've always been the ugly one.

"Can I know who it is?" I ask, hoping I can figure out who it is.

"Only if you tell me who yours is," he responds. I sigh. Which one should I tell him?

"Which one?" I say with a chuckle.

"How many are there?" he says, chuckling along. I gave up on Ben, and Sil is my best friend, so that leaves Jeff and Hoody.

"2," I say.

"Tell me the one you met last," he says to me. I almost want to cry. I can't tell Hoody who I like if he wants the one I met last.

Here goes.

"You," I mumble. He has a look of confusion on his face.


"You," I say, louder this time. He looks at me in amazement, and I feel like the one to shrivel up.

"You," he says. I look at him, confused, and then he presses his lips to mine.

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