To answer your question...

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You've probably been asked at least one of these questions, once in your life...

Why do I always say I'm sorry?
Because i was once told I never apologise.

Why do I hide things?
Because the truth will be used against me.

Why do I always listen to music?
Because it encourages me when nothing else can.

Why am I always smiling?
So that I can encourage those who can't.

Why do I cry myself to sleep
Because the darkness will hide my exposed soul.

Why are my friends so weird?
They're not, they're just real.

Why don't I often say I love you?
Because the first person who said it back was lying.

Why do I seem like I always talk nonsense?
Because my real thoughts are too deep for shallow personalities.

Why can't I just make friends at my new school?
Because I don't want my old friends to be come strangers... who know all my secrets
Besides, the pain of losing them might be too much!

Why do I hate it when guys/girls size me up?
Because none of them give a damn about my personality.

Why do I love writing?
Because it's the only way my true voice will be heard.

Why do I have trust issues?
Because the people I trusted completetly ditched me like stale pizza!

Why don't I just stick to one 'bestie' ?
Because I only have one life to love as many people as possible.

How do I stay strong?
*write your own answer in the comments :)*

Why don't I tell anyone these things?
Trust me, I want to... I just can't!

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