4) Such a pain

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The vision is blurry as I slowly open my eyes. I open my eyes completely and blink multiple times to clear the haziness and get a clear vision.

“You are awake?”, a soft voice comes from the front and a nurse smiles warmly at me. I feel something attached to the back of my hand. I look at the long tube channeling a liquid into my body.

I look back at her and nod in her direction.

“You have got high fever and have absolutely no energy right now”, the nurse informs me coming to sit by my side.

“The boy brought you here, you should thank him”, the nurse said, now no longer looking at me but at the files.

Which boy? Mr. Casanova?

I breath out heavily as I take in the pale blue and white paints creeping off the walls and a small window and a desk by the corner.

“Holá sister”, I hear a cheerful voice from the door.

The nurse looks in the direction and I look towards it too.

The nurse smiles affectionately at him.

“Oh, she is awake?”, he asks the nurse pointing at me.

I fall back on the bed trying to look away.

“She is running short on glucose for now”, the nurse informs.

What a walking burden I am!

“Well, I have got some orange juice in case she wants”, he keeps talking to the nurse.

It is a good idea that he is trying to avoid me as much as possible.

It will cause more drama than needed.

“She is also high on fever. Cold beverages will just higher the temperature. ”, the nurse was rolling her eyes and I shifted to my sides to have a look at Mr. Casanova's face.

He has a frown etched on his face.

“Really? Then what am I going to do of the juice?”, he asks the nurse.

Exactly you fool! Spending money on me is the same as wasting money on nothing!

“Drink it or something”, the nurse chuckled.

“Good idea”, he says before going out.

The nurse still stands there smiling to herself.

“That boy is an adorable one”, she says without turning to look at me, possibly knowing that I won't talk.

“He was so worried when he got you here”, she informed.

She is probably over exaggerating things. There is no way Mr. Casanova or anyone at all who should worry about me.

After all, if I die, a weight would be lifted up from everyone's shoulders.

Or even if he was, he was just frightened or had freaked out at the sight.

He comes back in with milk in his hand, this time.

Must be for the sister or himself, I think.

I stare unseeingly at the ground.

A white box of milk is brought into my view and I look at it. Then to the holder.

He is smiling cheekily.

“Have something, you will feel better”, he hands the milk box to me.

Doesn't he get it? It is similar to wasting money.

The sight of milk brings bile at the back of my throat. My stomach hurts as the muscles at the back of my stomach curl into knots. My food pipe aches with the rush. And I quickly stand to my feet and get into the washroom at the left corner.

Even if nothing was in my stomach, the juices of my body came out.

I held my stomach tightly.

I flushed the toilet and washed my mouth to remove the remains of my vomit.

I hate these moments. It feels like, you have stopped breathing for a moment and you need to grab onto air greedily to survive. Or at times, it feels like your breathes are tangled with each other and you need to untangle them one by one to survive. In short, it feels like shit.

I walk out of the bathroom and Mr. Casanova stands rooted to his spot eying me suspiciously. The nurse just looks at me in curiosity.

I sigh and run a wary hand through my hair and get my bag.

Enough of hospitality for today.

Only, I feel a pull at my wrist and look back to find Mr. Casanova looking at me.

He smiles and says, “You are still not good enough to get away. You need to rest.”

I don't know, whether I swat his hands and get away or do I give in as I rest?

Although nothing good is going to come out of resting, he doesn't know it.

He is still holding my hand and I am still in a controversy. He looks at me with curious eyes and a frown now.

“Is that a yes or no?”, he asks with the frown etched on his face.

This whole game of caring doesn't work for me.

“Guess, I have to decide”, he mutters under his breath as he let's out a sigh and then he looks at me.

He licks his lower lip a little and the next moment, I feel a pair of hands under my knees and my feet being lifted up from the ground.

He lifts me up in the air easily and gets me onto the bed.

Rather throws me.

He doesn't care about the consequences.

“Hey, Darshu”, I hear a venomously sweet and shrill voice from the door.

The girlfriend pops her head in and  peeks a look. She tries to keep her smile intact as she shifts her eyes between him and I.

“Well, coach was looking for you”, she informed Mr. Casanova and he broke into a smile.

“I will get there, right away.”, he says getting up straight and walking out of the door.

The girlfriend nods at the nurse who is going out for some work.

As the door locks behind her, the girlfriend stalks forward, almost menacingly.

She folds her arms across her chest.

“Don't think you can get him anywhere near you with the way you are!”, she snarled at me and I wanted to press my eyes shut. But that would be so pathetic! “I have seen thousands like you come and go. You are no different from them. Make sure to keep a twenty feet distance from him or I will make sure you are six feet under the ground”, she warned.

I hope she can.

I hope she would.

I stare onto my palms, sighing out heavily.

She flicks her hair over her shoulders as she turns around to get going.

I am no one, someone should be acknowledging.

I exhale another breath.

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