3.9 - minotaur

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"where's your boyfriend?"

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"where's your boyfriend?"

ivy looked up from her gun and stopped in the dirt road. there was a boy standing near the fence, seemingly doing nothing.

"doing work. why?"

the boy shrugged and looked out at the morning sun "you don't seem to go anywhere without him"

ivy chuckled and pushed another bullet into the magazine as she continued toward the front gate "i'm not getting up at the crack of dawn to kill the dead"

"why not?"

"what are you doing, kid?" she said suddenly

"i'm not a kid, we're probably the same age."

"yeah?" she smiled, though it was more from amusement than joy "you ever shot a gun before? killed the dead? killed the living?"

the boy then pressed his lips together in a thin line, leaving ivy to laugh and shake her head before continuing toward the fence

"kid." she uttered

as she got closer to the gate, she could hear the hum of engines. just by the sound, she knew that troy and the group he took were close. she looked down to finish loading the magazine, only to see two different groups when she looked up.

one was troy's group, 3 off-road vehicles with two people in each. the other was a large group of trucks and rv's, maybe 15 or 16.

ivy pushed the magazine into place and secured her gun in her waistband as she watched jake walk to one of the trucks. walker then jumped out of the truck. they shook hands, and then walker motioned for the trucks to move in.

whatever agreement they'd come to, jake didn't tell ivy, and she was not cool with it.

whatever agreement they'd come to, jake didn't tell ivy, and she was not cool with it

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ivy reluctantly followed troy into the downstairs base, keeping her eyes on walker.

jake and troy pushed the doors open and flicked the lights on. only then did troy notice ofelia in the group behind them. the woman who poisoned most of the militia and killed them. the one who poisoned nick and almost poisoned troy. that ofelia.

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