The End is Also a New Beginning

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To all the ding dongs... This is NOT a harem fanifc. People keep saying that this isn't a good harem fanfic. Well you know why??? Cuase its not! And if you think (Y/N) is a dick, then don't read it. This is a self insert and I just put (Y/N) because some people wanted to read it.

Sincerely, Author September 23, 2021

Now that that's out of the way, enjoy one of my first amateur fanfics~

No one's pov

(Y/N) is just an average guy with average looks, get's paid minimum wage, is single and has little friends. He went to the Hospital and figured out that he had cancer. That's when he was hospitalized and went through many procedures to get rid of it. One day his friend Kyle got him a    Nintendo switch for his birthday.

(Y/N): Hey Kyle!

Kyle: Hey man I got you a present.

(Y/N) opens it and finds a Switch and a game called Skyrim.

(Y/N): Thanks man, I'll play it allot!

Kyle: Your welcome! Skyrim is one of the best games in the world! You can battle dragons, get married, have kids, be a werewolf or vampire and even be an assassin!

(Y/N): Sounds cool.

(Y/N) and his friend talk a little more before leaving to get to work. 

(Y/N): I'll give it a try. 

(Y/N) turned it on and started to play Skyrim. (Y/N) continued to play Skyrim for hours until he fell asleep. Then, the next day he continued to play it. This process repeated for weeks on end when he had beaten the game and done just about every quest possible.

(Y/N): Man! I love Skyrim! This is the best game I have ever played!

One day (Y/N) was just playing more Skyrim when he suddenly couldn't breath. I was struggling to breath when he dropped his Switch. The doctors did everything they could but he unfortunately passed away. 

All (Y/N) could see was darkness. He was cold and he could see his whole life flash before him. From his first piece of cake, to him learning to ride his bicycle and all the way being in the hospital. 

But suddenly it all stopped and he could move, which was something he wasn't able to do in a long  time. He got up and saw a beautiful blue haired girl with a skirt and beautiful blue matching eyes.

Aqua: Hello (Y/N), you have died.

(Y/N): I know.

Aqua: You seem pretty calm.

(Y/N): Yeah, well I just wanna know... how are my friends and family?

Aqua: Yeah they're ok but they didn't take it to well. They are currently at your funeral crying.

(Y/N): Hmm, ok so where am I? Heaven? And are you God or an angel?

Aqua: first of all, no, this is the afterlife not heaven. Second, I'm a goddess, not God or an angel.

(Y/N): Ok so what now?

Aqua: You have three choices. One, you could go to heaven, but to be honest it's not as good as you think. Nothing there is physical. You can't play games, read manga, watch anime or even have sexual acts.

(Y/N): I see, so what's number two?

Aqua: Well you could be reborn as a human on Earth, but you would lose all of your memories in the process.

(Y/N): Those sound like trash. So what's number three?

Aqua: Number three is where you could brought to another world and fight monsters and be an adventurer.

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