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"speak up more won't you???"

a phrase that long bothered the quiet girl.

it wasn't her fault that she didn't speak much. simply, she felt no need to let anyone know what she thought of. only to the ones dear she'd very so often open up.

she distracts herself by indulging in movies, escaping reality. the phrase had easily repeated itself in her head but she shook it off. two weeks in the art semester, and she has already grown to dislike the nosy professor. she wasn't enjoying doing art anymore either

"mina! we're leaving," nayeon, her roommate yells from the door, "where to?" she was curious, although she was on the couch watching movies all day, she had the sudden urge to venture out the extroverted world.

"waterpark! okay bye!" the door shut close, and from the shared living room she heard shared laughter and chatters. sometimes she felt disappointed when she was left out of activities outside. it had become the norm not to ask her if she wants to go with them, since the answer would often be no.

but those times they asked, she needed time for herself. to recharge of the energy that was drained from her.

she felt saddened they'd come to assume that she didn't want to go out with them, that their plans are unheard until the last minute.

mina felt left out, but she kept it to herself. to her dear friends, she was close, but she knew they hadn't known everything about her.

she thinks it might be better not to talk about it, to avoid complications.


mina removed the blanket that laid atop of her and peered outside the dorm window, checking to see her friends,

she sees them sauntering their way to the car, beaming. she wanted to join, but her feet didn't take her anywhere.

what difference would it make it she were to join?

wouldn't she merely be a burden? a tag-along?

she detached herself from the window and walked heavy steps to her room, grabbing a black jacket, and putting on grey sweatpants, she gets ready to go outside.

she grabs her laptop, and looked around the dorm. the shared living room was unkept, and the only clean area of the dorm was her room with chaeyoung. the other two rooms she didn't bother to check since she knew the four chaotic bunch leaves a mess everywhere they go.

she breathes in. mina hated how little things irked her. little things as simple as not getting included with her friend group's hangout.

it was a small trivial thing to be upset about, and there were occurrences when they've gone out without her notice and she'd be unbothered about it.

but a few days ago, she's suggested it to chaeyoung. not hearing a single invite sucked. not going with your friends sucked. especially when you were the one who suggested the hangout.

she put on her sandals, closing the door behind her. mina decided to head to a cafe she's loved to go to, to take her mind off of things, to observe people and pretend to be placed on their shoes, to stop overthinking which she loathed very much about herself.

sometimes it's the smallest things that take up biggest space in our minds.


𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙠 𝙪𝙥 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚, 𝙬𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪? :𝙟𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖 /𝙨𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙪𝙥𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚Where stories live. Discover now