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today, mina wanted to stay a bit longer to finish an art research project she's been working on. she wanted to drop the class, having not enjoyed the whole semester at all. two weeks was left and she couldn't help but wonder if she could switch her courses for her next semester.

it was 8:30 p.m, 2 hours since her arrival. she hasn't received any messages from her friends, so with her glass specs, and her hair tied in a low ponytail, she worked quietly, sipping water bottle she's brought with her.

seeing people come and leave, in a hurry or leniently-, this was the first she's ever stayed this late. usually, mina goes early afternoon or after an hour, but somehow today, it felt like this cafe gave her a little more comfort than normal.

was it jimin who frequently checked in on her, asking if she needed anything? the change of scenery during night hours in the cafe, or maybe even the presence of her two favored baristas who happen to work at the same shift today.

she looks around, and it wasn't as busy as it was. vacant seats, casual students who'd look like they also belonged to the university a few blocks away where she studied. . it was quiet and only the distant gentle music from the speaker above could be heard.

"oh my god, jimin, just go for it!"

"what?? no, what if I disturb her?"

"oh come on, you've been saying that for weeks! you haven't even progressed since the last time I was here!"

"EXCUSE ME? I'm not trying to scare her!"

"what's scary about you? you can pass as a girl if you let me do your make up, and have you wear a wig."

a dramatic gasp came out from jimin's lips, unable to believe what his co-barista, tzuyu had spouted, "I'M TALLER THAN Y-"

jimin stopped himself as he looks at the counter, behind had been mina, patiently waiting for them to finish.

his cheeks turned a tad red, he smiles, his eyes forming an upside down crescent moon, "ahaha sorry about that,-"

"you can finish," mina shakes her head, she had been there when they started bickering, and it was amusing to watch.

jimin coughs, "i'm taller than you," jimin said with a deep voice to tzuyu who sauntered away chuckling to herself. his personality had changed, swiveling to face mina.

in contrast to the tone he used earlier, his pitch had changed— it appeared more cheerful and gentle, like a soft hum, compared to the rigid, provoked tone he used with tzuyu. "so what would you like? you're ordering for the second time now!" mina nods, "a caramel frap please."

jimin smiles, "would you want anything for dinner?" mina was taken aback by his statement, had he noticed she hasn't eaten anything but wagon wheels? the notion of having observed her, was what made her flustered.

"no. . it's okay." she stuttered, but jimin punched in a bagel cream cheese combo. "you don't have allergies or anything?" mina shakes her head, "I'll bring it to you, you can sit and wait, mina."

the girl smiles to herself. to her, having her name be called, or somehow be acknowledged is precious. she's always been referred to as her in campus, tending to blend in the background, or not really setting an impression on others. here, someone doesn't just know of her existence, but does know her.

a few minutes passed and the order had been served in no time. there was a golden brown bagel filled with cream cheese, and a sliced strawberry on top. something she didn't order.

mina points at it with a confused look, jimin smiles reassuringly, something that happens to grow on her. something she'd begin to comforted by, at the sight of.

she looks around, and no one has the same order, she was beginning to catch on that she was the only one having the supposed special jimin claims it to be.

jimin shakes his head, he'd thought of an excuse but it was getting old, so he frankly tells her

"it's on me— or I mean, the house,"  chuckling, he stops mina's hand that crept at the opening of her tote bag by instinct. it was only for a moment where jimin had touched her hand, but mina felt a rush of heat cover her cheeks.

"really."  he says, and mina put her tote bag down, "but—"

"you're a beloved customer here, it's closing time anyway, mina."

there it was again. mina. the way he says it, the way it seemed like he had his full attention on her. and to be called a beloved customer, to mina, this meant the world, and she could never have been more flattered.

jimin, on the other hand, found her small reaction cute. when he realized he'd grab her hand, he quickly pulled away. but he could never forget the surprised look she gave him.

her eyes trail from the floor to his eyes, and this had dazed him. her eyes held him closely, and sincerely she utters a thank you.

"no problem, mina."




mina nibbles on the bagel as he gets back behind the counter. it had the right amount of sweet and flavour from the cream cheese, and the bagel was chewy, how she likes it.

she smiles as she eats it, and knowing that today was to be recorded in her diary.

when she looked back to peek at the worker whom she's beginning to notice, she finds him staring. instead of him looking away, it was mina who was flustered, looking at the glass window and back to him who was still staring. she brings up a thumbs-up while he nods.


as mina was about halfway through her meal, a man who appears to be drunk enters the café. it was only mina now, and another student.

the man, with bad balance lingers by mina's spot which she found weird and soon with clumsy feet approaches the counter, and jimin was there instead of tzuyu so she wouldn't have to handle such customer.

"onee—," opening one eye, and the other half closed, "french vanilllaaa?" he says, slurred,

"are you able to handle your drink well, sir? you seem disoriented." jimin says with careful thought, making sure he doesn't piss the guy. the drunken man furrows his eyebrows, "noo what the hell you meaaannn?" straight from his pocket, he gives out the right amount of cash for his french vanilla. jimin had no choice but to serve him.

french vanilla wasn't at all complicated to make so jimin gives him his order as soon as he finishes, the man flashes a crooked smile and went on his way. however, along the way his exit, he mindlessly bumped into mina who was putting her tray away by the bin.

setting down his drink, he glares at her. "no soooorry?" he said with pride, yet he was the one that should be sorry.

"sorry." mina mutters, her head hung low, scuttling away after, but she fails as the man grabs her by her petite shoulders.

before his hand could remain any longer, jimin was already there, removing it stiffly. mina looks at jimin, an expression she hasn't witnessed before. serious, hard– almost frightening. his eyes were cold, opposed to the gentle eyes she knew.

"refrain from touching my customers please. I'm afraid you have to leave if you go further."

𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙠 𝙪𝙥 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚, 𝙬𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪? :𝙟𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖 /𝙨𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙪𝙥𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚Where stories live. Discover now