Part 1

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The team of Karasuno except for a little red and the coach has been hearing rumors about their number 10 betraying them and giving other teams information on them.

The team didn't like this so they decided that the best thing to do was to Kick Hinata off the team. Which is why the were huddled in the gym no talking about it.

As for Hinata he was just now arriving at the gym. So when he slid the door open and everyone turned to him he sweatdropped.

"What....and Bakayama you could've told me you left early" Hinata complained, the team just stared at him some had they're heads down some looked at him with anger.

"What,did I do something" Hinata asked confused. "Ok I'm just gonna say this right off the bat. Hinata you're off the team" Daichi said causing Hinata to look at them in shock. "Wh...What" Hinata said

"We've been hearing rumors that you've been telling other teams information on us. We can't have someone who betrays us on our team" Daichi said again "But.." Hinata was cutoff by Suga "Can you just give us the uniform" Suga asked with sadden eyes.

Hinata just stared at them for awhile before tears gathered in his eyes. He took his uniform out his bag and walked over and handed it to Daichi then walked out the gym quietly.

Once he made it out the gym he got on his bike and went back home. Forgetting about school and everything else. Once he made it he used his key and unlocked the door.

When he went inside he saw his mother and little sister in the couch. So when he stepped in their eyes went to him. "Shoyo why are you-" Hinata's mom cut herself off when she sees the tears run down his face.

"Hey what's wrong sweetie come here" She said in a soft motherly tone as she motion for Hinata to come here. After he closed the door he sat on the couch and hugged his mother.

"What's wrong Sho-nii" Natsu asked putting her little hand on Hinata's back. "They kicked me off" Hinata cried in his mother brace, "What" Hinata's mother asked.

(After explaining what happened)

"Awww my baby it's gonna be ok" Hinata's mom said (A/N: I'm just gonna call Hinata's mom rose) Hinata continued to cry in Rose embrace.

"If it makes you feel better you were gonna have to quit anyway." Rose said "W...Why" Hinata said between sobs "I didn't want to tell till you got home from school but today we'll be leaving to live in America. I got a really good job offer there. And since you're here now we can leave in a few hours." Rose said 'As long as I don't have to go to Karasuno. I couldn't face anybody there' Hinaga thought as he nodded.

Rose smiled "I already packed all your things as gave them to the moving people. You can go get some rest in your room till we go" Rose said, Hinata nodded and got off the couch and left to his room.

Once he went inside his room He noticed everything was plain. The only thing in room was his bed. He laid down and closed his eyes.

(Time Skip)

Hinata was gently shook awake. He slowly opened his eyes to see Rose face. "Sweetie come on it's time to go" she said, Hinata nodded and got up. He put on his shoes and him,his mother,and sister left the house to the airport.

(Time Skip to when they're on the plane and it's about to take off)

'Bye Japan' Hinata thought as the plane took off. "Well it'll be a long ride so if you want you can get some sleep and I'll wake you up once we get there." Rose said, Hinata nodded and laid his head down on the seat and went back to his dream land.

(Back with Karasuno)

"YOU WHAT!" Ukai shouted at the team "We kicked Hinata out the club" Daichi said quietly which is very unlike him "For what reason" Ukai said clearly enraged "There were rumors going around that he was telling others schools information about us" Yamaguchi said only making Ukai anger.

"So let me get this straight. You kicked him out because of some rumor that was going around. A rumor is just that A RUMOR AND YOU KICKED HIM OUT BECAUSE OF THAT" Ukai said/shouted.

They began looking down a the floor in guilt except a certain saltyboy who just looked away in guilt. "But he didn't denie it" Yamaguchi said making everyone snap their heads up nodding in agreement "Did any of you give him a chance to" Ukai said causing everyone to look down again.

"Of course you didn't, Shows how much trust you have in him. Practice is cancel for the rest of the day. Think about what you've done" Ukai said leaving the gym leaving a quite Takeda who just was standing there.

He looked at the team with disproving and disappointed eyes "I'm truly disappointed in all of you" Takeda said before leaving as well. That hit the team hard.

"We're idiots aren't we" Noya asked "Yeah" Daichi said as they all left the gym and started to head to class. 'Damnit I should've stuck up for him but I believed the rumor too. Fuck I'm such a dumbass' Kageyama thought.

(Back with Hinata)

"Sho.....yo" Hinata herd as he stirred in his sleep. "Shoy....o" Hinata then began fluttering his eyes open. When he had them open his mother and sister was in front of him.

"Good you're awake. We're here come on let's go" Rose said, Hinata slowly nodded and got up. They walked off the plane. 'I guess this is my new life' Hinata thought.

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