Part 6

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"I'm back" Hinata said as he enter the lunch room where everyone was eating lunch. "Sho-Chan" Aki said running to hug him with a smile "Get the fuck away" Hinata said with a straight face "So mean" Aki pouted "So you got one too" Iwaizumi asked walking up to Hinata "Unfortunately" Hinata said rubbing his temples.

"Shoyou we were wondering if we could play a game" Haruki said "No way" Hinata said "Ooo daddy said no~" Fuji teased as Juro and Hinata blushed "Shut up that was one time" Hinata said which got the other teams intrigued "What are you talking about" Kenma asked making Haruki,Aki,Kenji,and Fuji smirk.

"This one time we were playing a game of truth or dare" Haruki said "shut up" Hinata and Juro said "We had asked Juro was the first thing that comes to mind when he thinks of Shoyou" Kenji said "I swear to you I'll break your neck in two" Juro said glaring at the four which they ignored "And Juro said Daddy" Aki said making the two go even redder.

As the four laughed "Since you guys think it's so funny you'll be doing two laps around the school tomorrow" Hinata said with a irritated look which the four immediately stopped laughing "Wa...Wait you can't be serious" Kenji said "I can make it three" Hinata threaten, which the four pouted and went back to eating their lunch.

The others in the room was still shocked, "Also my little sister will be here tomorrow so please be kind" Hinata said sitting at the table with his team and Nekoma.

"Aww your sister is so cute" Aki said "No she's not she's a little devil" Kenji said "Ok just because she put makeup on you doesn't mean she's a devil" Mieko said "It does in my book" Kenji said.

"Anyway Hinata how have you've been" Lev asked "I've been great, beside the little fan club that always seems to find me and pop out of no where I a ok" Hinata said whining a little in the end.

"Must be nice" Tanka and Noya who were sitting at the table beside them said, everyone still doubted Karasuno and was still mad at them but they were trying to slowly warm up to them after Hinata forgave them.

"Not really, do you know how hard it is to get past a bunch of girls when they are literally standing in front of your class door" Hinata said whining like a child "So you still act like a child lame" Tsukishima said, Hinata looked at him in surprise then smiled making Tsukishima confused "That's the first thing you've said to me, I'm glad none of you changed" Hinata said making Tsukishima blush and turn away.

"Aww is the salty fry blushing" Hinata teased "Sh....Shut up" Tsukishima said making everyone laugh, "Come on Captain let's play truth or dare" Kenji said " No last time we played we were left hearing you and Mieko moans all night" Hinata said quite bluntly making some people chocking on their food "Ughh please don't remind me" Juro said.

"It was better than seeing you two make out in front of us" Fuji said pointing at Hinata and Aki "Wait what" Kenma said shocked "You're the one that dared us" Hinata said "Oh yeah not the point let's play please" Fuji said "Ughhhh fine" Hinata said "Anyone else playing" Fuji asked and everyone raised their hand.

"Yay Shoyou truth or dare" Shinjiro said "Dare" Hinata said "I dare kiss the pudding head boy" Shinjiro said pointing at Kenma "Huh" Kenma said Hinata rolled his eyes and leaned over the table and kissed Kenma on the lips.

It was about five seconds then he pulled away leaving a blushing Kenma blinking and everyone else shocked "I think you broke them" Haruki said "Ok umm Suga truth or dare" Hinata said knocking everyone out their thoughts.

"Umm duhh Dare" Suga said "Ok well I dare you to hit Kageyama on the back of his head" Hinata said so Suga did "Why" Kageyama said "For all the times you hit me on the back of my head" Hinata said sticking his tongue out.

"Ok we'll Hinata truth or dare" Suga asked "Am I the target of everyone here" Hinata said "Dare" Hinata said "Ok umm ta...take of your shirt" Suga said with a blazing face, Hinata lifted a brow and shrugged his shoulders and took off his shirt.

But they saw something that shocked them, it wasn't that Hinata had a six pack or a incredible nice build it was the scar that ran from his right shoulder to his left waist and a couple other scars with that.

"Wh...What happened" Suga asked "Huh oh this, Well funny story I had saved a child from getting hit by a truck and ended getting hit by the truck instead" Hinata laughed, they looked at him in shock. "Oh ok" Suga said.

After awhile they began playing again in the end Hinata had ended up kissing.Iwaizumi,Suga,Tendou,Kuroo,Kenma(again),Bokuto,Akaashi,Daichi,Lev,Asahi,Juro(got a little heated),and Yamaguchi leaving said people a blushing mess.

The rest of the night was peaceful and quite. And ended with everyone falling asleep peacefully.

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