what if...

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After Max left Clint was a first to talk "that was, something. What did you do to her? she's not to happy about it. and you told her not to call you dad?"

"I dont know I guess she's still mad at me for leaving her and yes I was young and stupid and I pond her off on a boarding school at the age of 5." in a emotionless voice. Clint scuffs "wow, dad of the year over here. no wait.. decade" he says in a disappointed tone. They all silently agree "Tony you have to fix that life is short especially in our line of work I mean does she even know your ironman" Steve asks Tony reply "yes, I assume she knows and I know life's short but what if she can't forgive me for what I did. I left a helpless 5 year old child alone in Russia at a strange boarding school that I could tell she didn't like for 7 years. I just don't know if I can do the whole dad thing and maybe she will just hate me forever" it was quiet for awhile then " sir stark I'm sure you wish no harm to come to your young and she's your child I'm sure she will come around eventually just be there for her make up for the years you missed" Thor finished "wow Thor that was very inspiring but your right I know exactly what to do" nat then says "out of curiosity what do you have in mind.

"a party"

they all knew this wasn't going to end well but he was out the door before they could say anything. Tony contacts pepper she's on a business trip. He tells her about today and the party. after he hangs up he starts working on Max's birthday party.

(Max pov)

I wake up with a gasp I control my breathing and run a shaky hand through my dark hair and ask " Jarvis is any one up" "no miss they a seem to be asleep" I slide out of bed and run my hands down my face sighing sitting there on my bed i'm thrust into a memory  

"ok girls, today you will be picking your weapons choose wisely" Madame b's voice echoed through my mind like a empty cave the other girls chose dangers ,throwing knifes and guns when I steps up and take a look at all them but what catches my eye is a set of silver throwing knifes with an Intricate design on the hilt reminding her of the marvellous story pepper would tell her. the ones with the gods and goddesses and never fading glory. I grab it  "ah, excellent choice maxine" Madame complements  " thank you " I reply.

I snap out of it and shake my head. I stay there in that spot on my bed from a while and think maybe I can stay here. Maybe I don't have to go back, Maybe I can have a normal life.Maybe he's changed. What if he didn't. So many maybes and what ifs. So many that I slowly slip into a light sleep.

sorry for the slow updates I will try to update as much as I can but I've been very unmotivated lately

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