Chapter 2: Grilled Cheese

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I sat on a bench next to Holden at the airport in Seattle. We were waiting for Sam to come and meet us here in the airport.

Holden had constantly been asking what went down between me and Mom, but I just told him that we were leaving for a good reason and that everything would be a lot better with Sam and his wife Emily. I think that would shut him up about it for now...

"Alexa? Holden?" I heard our names get called.

Our heads spun around to where our names were shouted. I saw Sam and Emily standing there waving at us with huge smiles on their faces.

Sam was a large guy. Tall. Tan skin. Dark hair. Emily clung to his side with her arm linked through his. She was average height. Dark hair and tan skin. She had scars though. She wore them proudly and was not ashamed of them. I smiled at that.

They walked towards us, beaming.

"You kids ready to go?" Sam asked.

Holden and I nodded our heads in unison and smiled. We followed them out of the airport and into the parking garage to their car.

We talked about everything on the car ride home. It was fun. There was no yelling, screaming, or fighting. I could really get used to being this happy.

I must have dozed off after a while because I woke up when the car came to a halt. I looked up and saw a blue house. It was really cute. Two stories. It was a lot nicer than the house I was in before, that's for sure!

"Well this is it," Emily said, turning around in the passenger seat to face us. "Sam, you should help them with their bags and I'll go open the door to the house." He nodded and got out the car.

We had our bags and walked inside. The smell of apples and cinnamon hit me like a brick wall. The house was so warm and inviting. I absolutely loved it already.

"Okay, you guys, follow me and I'll show you your rooms." Emily said with a smile. There was something so amazing about Emily. She was so happy and easy going. She had a motherly instinct. I liked that.

Holden, Sam, and I followed Emily upstairs with our crazy amount of luggage. We packed everything. When I say everything, I mean everything. There was no way I was gonna forget anything important back at that house. You know why? Cause there was no way in hell I would go back for it.

Emily pointed to two doors at the end of the hall. They were right across from each other. Holden decided to give me the room with the bigger closet. I must say, I do have the best brother ever.

I unpacked all my clothes first and decided to do the rest later. I heard my stomach talking to me and realized I hadn't eaten all day! I walked downstairs to the kitchen and found Holden already making himself at home by digging through the pantry. I can tell we had the same idea. Emily walked in and asked if we wanted her to make some grilled cheeses. I wasn't turning no grilled cheese down!

Holden and I were chowing down when Sam walked in and sat down.

"I was thinking about taking you two down to the high school tomorrow to get registered." He said looking back and forth between us.

"Yeah, that's fine. What's the name of the school?" I asked.

" La Push High School." He answered.

It was the middle of October, so school had started for quite some time now.

I was so exhausted, I practically crawled up the stairs to my room. As soon as I hit the sheets, I was out.

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