Chapter 6: Don't Be Sorry

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Jacobs p.o.v.

Alexa had just left from the table. She ran upstairs to her room, I'm assuming.

"Paul! What was that? What happened?" I snarled at him. He had an upset look on his face.

"I don't know! I called her Lexi, maybe that's what it was.." He said trailing off. I wasn't there to hear him finish his sentence because I was already dashing up the stairs.

"Alexa?" I called out. No answer.

I opened every door to see which room was hers. I reached the end of the short hall and found a door that was locked. I knocked softly. "Alexa?" I said gently. No answer. I knew there was a key somewhere on top of one of these door frames. I felt across the top of Sam and Emily's door frame and found it. I walked back to her door at the end of the hall and slowly unlocked and opened her door.

"Alexa?" I said again. I spotted her small body laying on her bed in a fetal position.

I walked over to her bed in the right corner of her room and sat down. I heard her let out a few more helpless sobs and then she sat up to face me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked wiping some tears away.

"I came to see what's wrong." Alexa's tears started flowing again. I grabbed her, put her in my lap and hugged her. I let her cry for a few more minutes until I calmed her down.

"Alexa, what's wrong? Do I need to beat Paul's ass? I know he can be a jerk sometimes." I said looking her straight in the eyes. I could see her slightly blush in the dim light.

"He called me 'Lexi'," she started. "My dad was the only one who ever called me Lexi... I guess when I heard Paul call me that, I lost control and all these memories came back.."

"What memories?" I asked, confused.

"Memories of my Dad of when he was still alive. Memories of how he would bring Holden and I up here every summer to visit."

I remember her dad. He was a good guy, a police officer. Always had a smile on his face.

"I just really miss him, Jacob. A lot.

I can't even begin to explain the pain and hurt his death caused my family. My mom became an alcoholic and addicted to drugs. We left because we couldn't deal with it anymore..." Her voice cracked once more and her tear drops fell like rain. I held her. I told her I was here for her, and that everything would be okay now. I never expected Alexa to say anything back though, she was so over whelmed. Alexa fell asleep in my arms and I could feel just how hot she was getting because of my body temperature, so I laid her down and headed back downstairs.

Alexa's p.o.v.

Jacob thinks I'm sleeping. But I'm not. Instead I'm listening to his steady heartbeat. It calmed me down. He was so hot though... Literally. He was like my own personal heater. Strangely enough, I loved where I was at that moment. In his strong arms. It made me smile that he cared enough to come and check on me when we had only "met" today. Jacob slowly laid me down, careful to not "wake me up".

I lay there thinking about how he said he was here for me and that everything would be okay. That was nice to know someone was here to listen besides Holden.

I got up to go to the bathroom to splash water in my face and make sure I hadn't looked like I was hysterically crying.

I should go find Paul and talk to him.

I flew down the stairs and I didn't see him. Holden called my name but I acted like I didn't hear him over the buzz of everyone's conversations. I scanned the room and spotted Jacob and Paul sitting on the front porch talking. I walked over there and stood in the doorway listening to what was being said.

"I'm sure she's not mad at you or doesn't hate you. You didn't know, she can't blame you.." I heard Jacob say.

"Hey guys." I interrupted. Jacob's head spun around and he got up to hug me.

"Talk to Paul. He feels horrible." Jacob whispered in my ear. Then he walked back inside to join everyone else.

I walked over to where Paul was sitting and plopped down next to him. I gave him a weak smile.

"Alexa, I'm so sor-"

I cut him off. "Don't be sorry. There's so much I haven't let go or thought about since my dad died and when you called me 'Lexi', everything came rushing back and I lost it. I'm sorry if I freaked you out or something."

"I didn't know about your dad..I'm sorry." He put a warm arm around my shoulders and squeezed me tight in a side hug.

"It's okayyy" I said while being squeezed to death. He let go and laughed. I laughed along with him.

"Oh! And yes, I am ready for that bon fire tonight by the way!" I said while poking him in his arm.

"Good. Sit by Jacob or he'll just be heart broken!" He stuck his tongue out at me then got up and walked away.

What an interesting night it seems it will be.

Save Me (Jacob Black Love Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن