Part 5

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Reyna opened the flap to Thalia's tent and sat against the wall, crossing her ankles.

Thalia looked up from her cup of hot chocolate. She had changed into more comfortable, loose clothes, although her silver circlet remained on her head. "I notice you're not wearing your cloak."

Reyna shrugged. "There's a lot of hate and bitter memories surrounding it. I'm keeping it as a reminder instead."

Thalia poured hot cocoa for Reyna. "That you've made peace with your nightmares?"

"Made peace with them? Maybe not now, or ever. But I can accept them." She shrugged, bringing the cup to her nose and inhaling its scent. "That's enough for me."

"I hear we're hunting another beast soon," Thalia said after a pause.

Reyna grinned. "Something challenging, I hope?"

"A rogue group of manticores. They're pretending to be a mortal gang in a city in Maine, terrorizing and killing them at night." Although she still smiled, her eyes filled with a dangerous light. Thalia raised her cup. "To introducing justice to the beasts who need it."

Reyna raised hers and tapped it against Thalia's. "Bring on the monsters."

A/N Sorry, I couldn't resist making a TLT musical reference! But seriously, thank you to anyone reading this. I wanted to get it out there: it's my second fanfiction, and probably my best. Reyna's a fascinating and strong character, and intriguing to write. She inevitably has scars, and I wanted to show that in this story. I signed up for Wattpad to publish this, but I'm considering posting more. I do know that you can stay tuned for a Calypso story!

Happy reading and writing to you!

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