Chapter 2: Where it began

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Warning Self harm

POV 2nd person

"Let's bring you to the beginning." Sans continued speaking. We stayed the same, but the black void changed. We were back in the the past, I think? Were at the war, floating above it. though we see a skeleton speaking with a woman. Aren't they supposed to be at war? The skeleton gave the woman a sweater, a light blue sweater. The skeleton... kissed her? Then they told her something, we weren't supposed to hear it but we did. 

"Please, give our kid my sweater," The now male skeleton pleaded.

"Of course Honey." She kissed the skeleton's cheekbone.  Then she ran. The scene flashed again. we where brought more into the future, but not in the present. There was the woman again. with a little boy that, looks similar to the human Sans switched into. Just younger. 

POV ??? (The woman)

Ah, My little boy is learning to walk. I think I should give him his father's sweater soon. But first let's eat.

After eating(You know what I mean)

"Mama" Samuel said his first word.

"Hey Sam?"


"Come here I need to give you something."

I walk into the other room carrying Samuel. There lies his father's sweater. I place him down and grab the sweater. His father was never really that tall. I put the sweater on. Of course it's really big on him. But he looks adorable. He seams to like the long sleeves. I'm snapped out of my daze, "Mama, mama" I look down to see Samuel standing beside me.

"Yes, my child?" Then Sam teleported, at first I was shocked then, I realised, he was probably part monster. Or at least had the magic of a monster.

(A Couple Days Later)

I come home to a Skeleton on a couch, "Sam?"


Turns out that sam has a monster form. I walk over to the kitchen and put down the groceries, I walk back to sam.

"Can you turn back?" I asked. I saw him glitching back to human.

"Your going to have to stay Human, okay my child?"

"Hoo man?"

"Just stay like that okay?"


POV 2nd

"And with that, the child, now known as Samuel or Sam. Was half human, and half skeleton. You saw how it happend. What happened to the father? Did he survive the war? No, no he didn't. Is the mother still alive in the present? Also no. How did she die? That, you will find out later, but now, let's get back to the story, shall we?" A mysterious voice said this time we could tell it wasn't Sans again.

5 years later

POV Samuel

I walk over to mom, she seems sad. I look up to her but she doesn't seem to notice. I walk I front over her. She's asleep, again. I smell blood, wait it's coming from mom. I walk over and notice it's coming from her arms. I start to get worried, I thought she stopped, she promised! I roll up her sleeves and there it is, I didn't want it to be true but it's right in front of me. I walk over to the drawer and grab the bandages, I walk back to her, still asleep, good. I wrap the bandages around the cuts on he arms and use some healing magic. I'm not the best at healing but, it was something.

Boom done this chapter is complete and yes skeletons can smell blood.

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