Chapter 3: First Day of School

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Warning Self Harm

POV Samuel

After... that I decided to unroll mom's sleeves and wake her up.

"Mom, wake up," I start shaking her awake, "It's my first day of school!" I decide not to mention what I just did, and wait for her to find out. I'm excited for school I've always loved learning. Even if it was only with mom. She said I was very mature, makes sense I guess, it took a lot of begging for her to finally put me in a school. Grade 1, I'm 6. She didn't want me to go because she said it could be dangerous. I guess 'cause I'm half monster it makes sense but I promised I wouldnt use any magic. Still took awhile but now, I can finally go. Mom told me I was like a prodigy or something, I don't really remember. She said everything would be fairly easy. I'm fine with it though.

"Mom wake up!"

"Huh? I'm up," she started looking around, "Sam, my child?"

"It's time for school!"

"Right," ... "Come on then"

We get in the car and I'm excited almost completely forgetting what just happened, who am I kidding I wont forget something as Important as that, I promise. We made it to school, I hop out the car, hug mom, and whisper in her ear,"Please mom, stop harming yourself."

..."I'm sorry Sam..." I barely hear her whisper back as I'm running of to see where the principle office is.

After School

POV Mother

I go to pick up Sam from the first day, I come a little early to make sure that I can see that excited small face of his. After a while he comes back, but he seems upset, and his hair is covering half of his face, and his streak is a bit lighter.

"What's wrong Sam?"

"N-," he shakes his head, "Nothin"

I kneel down to reach his level, "You know you can tell me anything, and if you don't want to thats fine too."

He looks me dead in the eyes and he asks me something that truly chilled me to the bone.

"... and how do I know your not lying? Because you have told me everything, let's just go home."

It's not what he said but how he said it, when he said it his eyes went completely dead, no shine, no pupil. I slake it off and join him in the car. When I look over to him he's back normal as if nothing ever happened.

Back home

For the most part I didnt talk to Sam after that. I went check on him once but he looked away from me as soon as he saw me. So I didn't bother him after that. Soon I had to call him down for dinner.

"Sam, it's time for dinner."

Soon I heard him running downstairs. I give him the food and ask what happened.

"So, what happened today?"

Slowly he uncovered his eye to reveal a bruise. I immediately stood up and ran over to him.

"What in the world happened?"

"I-I fell"

"Samuel, If you dont want to tell me that's fine, but please dont lie."

"I-," he shook his head,"I was bullied, I don't want to go back!"

Let's end this here why dont we? This took awhile hope it was worth it. Total words 565.

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