First Kiss

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(A/N: Hey guys! Thank you so much for over 400 reads! I hope you all enjoy this chapter!!)


You and Daryl were on another hunt because the group was quickly running out of food. Daryl seemed strangely nervous but you shrugged it off as nothing. You jogged ahead of him, tracking a deer. He was about to say something but you silenced him as you saw the beautiful deer ahead of the two of you. You aimed your crossbow at it and shot it flawlessly. You turned around, about to start a conversation with Daryl when you felt a pair of lips smash onto your's. Daryl quickly pulled away from you, embarrassed. You laughed before pulling him back in for another kiss.


You and Carl were dancing to the amazing song that Glenn was playing on his guitar. The group clapped and cheered as Carl spun you around flawlessly. "Woohoo!!" Your best friend, Daryl, called out. Carl twirled you into his arms and ended the dance with a gentle kiss to your lips. "That's my boy!" A drunken Rick shouted. Tonight was a good night.


Rick was quietly humming, tending to the farm outside. You fed the pigs, watching him in awe. Just a few months ago, he was in complete survival mode. Now, he was an amazing farmer. Your amazing farmer, that is. You made your way over to him, brushing your (H/C) hair out of your eyes. He smiled up at you and stood up, shaking dirt from his hands. You stood up on your tip-toes, and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He smiled at you and quickly returned the kiss. "Wanna learn how to tend to the farm?" He asked gently. You nodded excitedly. You were so happy with him.

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