New York Prt. 4

979 19 18

3 hours later

"Ew why the water brown?" Connie asks annoyed, "Are we in the sewer?!?"

"Actually we're in the Hudson River," you respond.

"Um, how are we going to park, like without attracting attention?" asked Charles

"that, that is an excellent question, the answer is i dont know," you respond.

"Steven?" he said looking at Steven.

"I also have no idea," Steven said sheepishly.

"Wait I have an idea." Connie says, "(y/n) you create a distraction with your mystical water powers."

"They're not mystical I get them..." you start.

"Yeah, yeah great, then we drive to the surface and park," Connie interrupts.

"Not full proof but it's the only plan we got," Steven replies.

"Okay I'm getting out," you say.

Steven puts the bubble down, and you open the door.
You simultaneously keep the water from entering the car.
After you exit the car, Steven puts the bubble back up.
You swim up and create a giant wave.

Just gotta make sure it doesn't hurt anyone just enough to make distracting distraction, you think,
Wait that doesn't make sense.

The wave blew over the railing of the dock, just enough to create a stir.

You gave Steven the signal to go and park.


"I want to go to the Statue of Liberty," you say.

"This isn't a vacation, this is a mission," Steven says annoyed.

"Well until we find the exact coordinates, what else are we gonna do until than," you say throwing your hands up.

"Yeah come on Steven, lighten up," Connie agrees.

"Okay let's find a hotel," Charles says looking around.


Author: Sorry I've been watching a lot of anime and my favorite is still My Hero Academia

Steven*under breath*: weeb

Author: I don't have enough energy to deal with you Steven

Connie: you never write anymore why?

Author: I lack motivation and my sister is going to a clinic for eating disorder so I haven't seen my family in the same room in couple weeks plus my crippling anxiety and writers block

Connie: oh ok

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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