Daemos in love!

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Hahaha so before I start I got an email saying someone tried to hack into my account 😳 so uh that was a scary surprise anyways they didn't get in so I guess we good! But uh person who tried to hack my account if you're reading this please don't try again! onto the story~

"Ava! Ava baby wake up!"

"Pumpkin!" No answer

"Davon this isn't good! She's been passed out longer then ever before"

"I'm gonna call 911!"

After they say that Ava starts coughing indicating that she's okay and not dead.

"I don't need-" Ava tries to tell her dads she okay but they cut her off asking if she's okay and telling her how worried they were, meanwhile I'm freaking out!

What are we gonna tell Avas dads about the Daemos?

Yeah we could just casually be like

'yeah demons are real magic is too and we live with all these demon boys they even have a secret room in our apartment we even had to change them once hahahaha'

no! We can't do that god I'm stressing out so much!

"Wait Noi?" She asked

"Don't worry Ava! They are all outside I'll go check up on them! Ha ha ha" I nervously laugh as I walk outside to see the Daemos.

Words can't even explain how MAD I am they walked in on us, even after we told them what was going on and they still didn't listen to us

"Ah! Prisoner where's Ava?" Asch asked

"Shut up! You guys are so annoying we told you not to come, it was only supposed to be Pierce and Noi because we didn't want to explain everything to them but you guys didn't listen to us! UGH! I'm so pissed off right now I can't even explain it" I shout

Asch walks up close to me getting right in my face "Don't yell at me"

I felt a shiver down my spine at how close he is right now, but that feeling quickly went away and I got mad yet again

"No! Don't tell me what to do!" I yelled again but calmed myself down only a tiny bit before I spoke again
"Can SOMEONE please tell me why the hell you guys even showed up?" I asked looking at the other two

"Oh I don't know maybe because Ava is a sorcerer princess of humans!"

Sorcerer princess? Eh what happened when we were gone? How did they even get that idea into their heads

"Wait but does that mean you are also a sorcerer princess?" Pierce asked

"I uh"

"I have to admit I was a bit caught off guard by that why did you two hide it from us"

"Ehhh" I'm baffled at these guys what the hell I can't even try to explain I'm just gonna sit back and hear them all yelling at each other I kind wish I was Ava right about now.

"Do you think Princess Ava is okay?" Pierce asked

"I'm not sure" Rhys says

Are they gonna call Ava a princess while they call me a prisoner?

I sigh and look up at them all "Yes she'll be fine, but now we have to cover up for all you guys! Now wait here I'm gonna go back and check up on Ava" I hiss and walk away while the boys are still fighting

"Lord help us" I mumble as I see Ava and her dads walk out of the pizza place.

"Ava you okay?" I ask

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