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Infinity was many things -- a morning person was not one of them. The only thing Infinity liked less than Bokuto was waking up early. So when Idris, her younger brother, tiptoed into her room on Monday morning, Infinity was just about ready to rip off his head. "I told you not to wake me up, Riz!" 

The boy with the messy brown hair rolled his eyes and threw open her curtains. "And I told you, that I don't want to be late for my first senior highschool camp!" With his hands on his hips he looked down at his sister disapprovingly before wrestling her duck-down duvet out of her grip. "I don't want to go! I just want to sleep!" Infinity rolled over onto her stomach and pressed her face into her pillow. "Dad's made breakfast, he's waiting downstairs," with that and a last roll of his eyes, her brother stomped out of her room and slammed the door behind him. 

After another ten minutes of sulking and an angry burst of profanities outside of her bedroom door, Infinity stretched her arms above her head and elongated her spine. With a yawn and a heavy heart, she rolled out of bed. One freshly pedicured foot hit the hardwood floor before the other and Infinity, while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, slammed her hand on her bedside table until she found her glasses. 

Having found and pushed the black spectacles up on her nose, Infinity shuffled into her bathroom. After a very long, very warm shower she shrugged on an oversized maroon coloured sweatshirt, a tight pair of bootleg jeans and her black Chuck Taylors. She hurriedly pulled her long hair into a messy bun, grabbed her big fat travel suitcase and pulled her bedroom door closed behind her. 

"Morning, honey! How'd you sleep?" Infinity's father looked up with a big smile as his daughter walked into the dining room. "Not nearly long enough, dad. How about you?" She crumpled into the chair next to her father and opposite a scowling Idris. 

"Great, sweetie. Thank you. Just sad that I'm going to be alone without my two babies," as he said this, he wrapped his arms around both Infinity's and Idris' shoulders, "for a whole three weeks!" Idris rolled his eyes and pulled away but Infinity leaned into the hug, "You know dad," she began, smiling innocently, "if you just tell Mr Sato that you need me here at home, I could stay." Her father laughed wholeheartedly and squeezed her shoulder, "Now, Fin. You know that's not going to happen. Anyway, you're going to have a great time with your brother and -- what was his name again?" Infinity let her head fall back as she mumbled, "Bokuto." 

Infinity had eaten a breakfast of two toasts with Nutella, three sunny-side-up eggs and a glass of orange juice before she could be persuaded to get into the car. "You're sure you've got everything you need, Fin?" Her father looked back at her through the rearview mirror, her brother had called shotgun. "Yes dad, everything except a life." Infinity answered solemnly as she dug through her suitcase looking for her walkman. She breathed out a sigh of relief before she popped in one of the tapes her mother had made for her before she had died, it was titled, 'Happy seventeenth, baby'." 

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