Chapter 3

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Once Rey had properly introduced herself and peppered the conversation with a lot of personal details that Ben had divulged to her the previous night, the old lady or Maz as she had introduced herself, became a lot more hospitable. She even gave Rey a homemade cherry pie to take home for free.

Rey hummed happily all the way to the house on the hill. Once she returned home and put away the groceries, she made herself a sandwich and wondered how she was going to solve her next problem. The fact that apart from the bathroom and the kitchen which were equipped with the usual appliances the house had absolutely no furniture to speak of. There had to be somewhere she could pick up a few pieces. She checked her wallet. $20.00. Maybe she would get lucky and hit on a yard sale.

Thirty minutes later Rey began to think that she was having the best day ever as she perused the furniture at a local yard sale. She sat down in an old green recliner. It was comfortable and super soft. She checked if the recline feature still worked. It did.

'Ahhhhh!' she said out loud as she closed her eyes and settled into the chair.

'Can I help you?' Said a deep male voice. Rey cracked one eye and saw a handsome older man looking down at her with an amused expression.

'How much?' she said.

'$20.00,' came the reply.

'How about $10.00 and you deliver it for me?'

The man laughed out loud.

'I'm going to say yes because I like your brass, kid.'

'Great! I'm staying at the big house, the one on the hill?' Rey said as she jumped out of the chair.

The man's smile disappeared.


'You're staying in Ben's house?'


Why did everyone in this town find it so shocking that someone would want to live in a house that was designed to be lived in?

'And Ben knows you're staying there?' the man asked, giving her a suspicious look.

Rey felt angry. Everyone she had met in this town so far looked at her like she was some sort of freeloading hussy. Which is exactly what she was but they were still being very rude!

'Yes, Ben knows I'm staying there, I happen to be his wife,' she said sticking her chin into the air.

Ha! Suck on that old timer!

The gentleman looked her over from head to toe.

'Is that so? Well I'm pleased to make your acquaintance...' he said, holding out his hand.

Rey took it.

'It's Rey, Mrs Rey Solo,' she said. She did have to admit that the name had a ring to it.

'It's nice to meet you Mrs Rey Solo, I'm Han, Han Solo, Ben's father.'



Rey's heart pounded in her chest. Now she was in Ben's childhood home with his mom and his dad who were pacing around the living room firing questions at her while she sat on the sofa and sipped her tea.

Now that she knew who Han was, she could see the family resemblance, the strong jaw, the cocky swagger, the crooked grin. She started to kick herself for not noticing it before.

Even Leia, his mom, shared features which were very similar to Bens. Particularly the eyes. She had to admit that Ben did have beautiful eyes.

'How could Ben not tell us he got married?' Leia exclaimed.

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