It's Okay.

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Rayla pulled the gun towards her forehead again. Even though she knew that Callum could shoot her, she didn't care at that exact moment. As long as he was safe.

"It's okay; it's okay, I love you." Her hands were painted in blood, and she was wounded, scars and bruises and chipped glass pieces caking her skin. "It's okay. You're okay. I'm okay,"

And he pulled the trigger.


Word Count: 1948 (According to Grammarly, this should take you around 7 minutes to read ^^ Take your time!

A/N: I can't believe we only have four more chapters after this! This chapter is pretty essential, so be sure to read carefully ^^;

When Rayla saw Callum's gun shoot towards the air at the last minute, even if it was barely a second, she saw him again. She saw the Callum, who was willing to do whatever it took to help those he loved. She saw the Callum, who protected her no matter what cost. She saw the Callum that, despite trying to kill her, always kept a part of her in his heart. That's who Callum was.

And she was willing to do anything to bring him back.

"...Callum?" Rayla said, shocked at the fact that she was completely unharmed. Callum's back was turned against her, his shoulders shaking, and it looked like he was muttering an odd mantra. "Callum, you-"

She reached her hand to touch his shoulder, but he instantly turned around-- but his eyes were... his eyes weren't his: He might have been able to fight a topic such as murder for a second, but Rayla had to remind herself that this was Viren and Aazrail who she was dealing with. It couldn't have been that easy.

"Callum, listen to me," Rayla said. "It's going to be alright- you're going to be alright."

Callum stared, once, twice, but instantly shook his head and growled again and continued to press her down onto the floor, and he made sure the helm of the blade blocked her airway, suffocating her.

Panic seized Rayla as if she had gotten electrocuted-- the white-hot pain lasted for a second and was painful as heck, but then died down just as quickly to nothing but a numb feeling and a pulse was the only thing that remained.

This is no time for panic. Get yourself together.

Rayla thrashed, shoving Callum's arms to the side, trying to wack the gun out of his hands and digging her nails into his palms, but to no avail. Each second that passed, her sense of calm was increasing. What if I never make it out of here? Claudia and Soren are way ahead of me- they probably left by now, what do I do?

Every second felt like a minute, and the feeling of needing air pushed down to her stomach and then bounced back towards her head. She tried to stay motionless, but it was quite challenging to do when a psycho who was once your entire world was trying to kill you because of your parent's murderers.

She thrashed and flailed, trying to push through the darkness that threatened to engulf her vision, but her lungs were on fire, and all she wanted was to breathe, but nothing happened. The desire to just take one breath was horrible, and she couldn't do anything about it.

She didn't know why the memory suddenly erupted in her head now, but she recalled the days back in Xadia, where she hung out freely with her friends.

"5..." Andromeda counted, her hands cloaking as a mask over her eyes. "4... 3... 2... 1!"

"Ready or not, here I come!"

Rayla had been hiding underneath the blankets of the cot she stayed in. It was winter, so she was forced to be using massive, thick sheets to hide. She assumed that since it was so warm and dense that it'd be unrevealed, it'd be perfect for staying in.

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