Chapter 41

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"You want a beer?"

My eyebrows shot up in surprise at my brother who made his way to the kitchen. I don't think he had ever offered me one of his beers before.

"Sure." I laughed, curling up onto the coach a little bit more and pulling the fluffy blanket I had wrapped around my toes a little further up my legs.

It was clear as day that I had gotten a cold from my little dunk in the ocean. Leo thought it was hilarious but I definitely didn't, I hated getting colds and feeling ill.

Despite it being a couple of days since the competition and our little trip to the beach, my nose was still bunged up and my throat scratched when I talked.

I was just glad that we had a teacher training day today so the school was closed, back in tomorrow though, which I was feeling 50/50 about.

Part of me was excited because it meant I get to see Leo and finish off some of my school work that contributes towards my exam grades.

Not excited because the school was going to do a presentation in assembly on my win to promote the dance school and one of its pupils achievements.

That part I was definitely not looking forward too. I couldn't think of anything worse than standing up in front of all of the school and talking about what I do.

The younger years I don't care about, but its my year that I hated. I just hoped the role of Harvey's sister played up and they didn't say anything too bad.

Harvey came back with a bottle of beer in each hand, handing one to me as he relaxed on the sofa next to mine, pulling one of his legs over the other and switching on the TV, turning down the volume so it was just background noise.

"So... You've got a lot of talking to do." Harvey took a large gulp of his beer and snacked on some crisps that he had placed on the sofa beside him.

I sighed, taking a small sip on my drink. I forgot how gross the taste of beer was at first, but after a couple more mouthfuls,I adjusted more to the taste.

"Yes, Ms Hardman is Leo's Mum. She asked me to spy on him when she first started at the school," Just remembering the time made me feel bad inside. There was no way in hell I would've said yes to her if things were like they were now.

I just hoped Leo could fully forgive me for having to say yes to her. Like, she was my teacher and could have done anything with my grades if I didn't cooperate. I mean, she definitely seemed like the kinda whack job that would do something like that.

"Holy shit? Seriously? That's some messed up shit." Harvey sounded as shocked as I was from when it originally happened.

"I know... Leo's got a lot of issues, some of which I can't talk to you about, but just know that he's still exactly the same person that you became friends with... I just want you guys to get along like you used too and for you not to change your views on him." I explained, trying to judge my brothers thoughts through his expression "I didn't want your view to change on me either."

"Eli, of course I don't see you any different. I guess I was just shocked at first, I didn't know how to handle you being with one of my friends." He tapped his beer bottle to his head "Why do you think I have my rules."

I laughed a little, taking another sip and appreciating the cold that ran down my sore throat.

"I know, I know. You just gotta remember that we're the same age." I sighed "I can fend for myself. Yea I'll make mistakes, but that's what humans do, at least I'll be able to learn and grow from it."

Harvey's head tilted to the side, as if in thought "Yea I guess. I just wanted the best for you."

Reaching forward, I placed my hand on his forearm and gripped it slightly "Don't worry, I have everything I could ever need right now, just gotta get through school and I'm smooth sailing."

"Oh, what did you want for our birthday? I'm not to sure on what to get you."

Classic Harvey, as soon as the conversation could get more mushy, he changes it. But it was a good topic changer, I was in the same boat with not knowing what to get him.

"Uh, maybe some new vinyls? I'm not to sure either." I hadn't given it much thought but I had no idea what I even wanted. Usually family members give me money and I just spend it on whatever I want so its no hassle.

"Ok, sure, also if you're stuck on what to get me, the new Call of Duty game is coming out next week." Harvey winked, chugging on his beer until her finished and placing the empty bottle on the table.

It wasn't standing there for long as in a matter of seconds, Loki decided to make an appearance, leaping up onto on the table and sliding across it until his face smacked into the bottle, knocking it straight onto the carpeted floor.

We both just stared straight at my lunatic cat he glanced between the both of us, looking for attention.

"Why couldn't you have adopted a normal cat? One that just sleeps and eats rather than destroying anything and everything it can get his paws on?" Harvey muttered, picking up the bottle from the floor.

"What would be the fun in that?" I laughed to him, finishing off my beer and holding my hand out to Loki who gave it a sniff before jumping onto my sofa and curling up by my legs.

At least some things in life were starting to seem a little less crazy.


Hey, just so you all know I've changed who I imagine as Eliana. Her name is India Eisley (pictured above). Hope you're enjoying the book still :)

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