Chapter three

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Cole had gone shopping and so I could finally eat something.

I took out a container of pasta and emptied it into the boiling water then began chopping io tomatoes for a Sauce.

"What are you doing?" He asked looking at me strangely.

"Um I'm making dinner for us" I answered in a duh tone of voice.

"Were did you learn to cook? , I thought your were one of those idol rich mans wife's who just gossips all day"

I put a lid on the pot and added water to the tomatoes sauce.

"Well maybe you shouldn't judge people"

A silence stretched between us then a knock on the door.

In a second he had a gun pressed against my stomach "you make one mistake , I will shoot you and who ever is at the door"

I nodded and he put the gun back in his jacket before opening the door.

Two hikers stood there , who looked wet , moody and hungry.

"Uh hi , we are kinda lost , we have been out here for a week and we ran out of food two days ago and we was wondering if maybe we could just have a few pieces of bread or something?"

He glared at them "now you listen here-

I walked up beside him "sure , actually we just made dinner , come in"

They smiled at me thankfully while cole glared.

I closed the door after them as they sat down.

Cole wrapped his as around my waist in a steel grip.
"What the fuck are you doing" he hissed in my ear.

"Don't worry" I whispered back "I won't tell them who we are , I'll say your my boyfriend and this is our vacation cabin , They are hungry and won't live a whole lot longer , please cole"

He just nodded and walked away.

I put out bowls and they began to eat hungrily.

After second , thirst and fourth servings they finally stopped and sat back.

"So why are you guys out here?" One of them asked .

I came over to the table and wrapped my arms around cole , leaning my chin on the top of his head.

"We both go to the college in town and one of the projects that we have due next month is a documentary on the wild so we rented this nice cabin"

They both nodded "well thank you both so much , you really are to kind"

Then they both left.

Cole was glaring at me

"seriously?" I asked "They were starving!!!!!"

He stood up "they could have been spy's Haley"

I laughed "really , did I you see them? They were dirty!! No one could have gotten that way since last night"

He walked over to me slowly "hales you really shouldn't be laughing , I can do anything I want with you and you can't escape"

I backed up as the meaning of his words sank in.

He could kill me , rape me , force me to do things I didn't want to do.

I took a step back and he kept coming towards me.

I hit the wall and he stood right in front of me and pinned my wrists to his chest.

"Cole what are you doing" I asked softly , his sent overwhelming me.

His lips brushed against me neck and I gasped .

"I'm just doing what I want" he said before kissing me on the mouth.

Before I could do anything my lips were moving in sync with his then he teeth tucked at my bottom lip , his tongue tangling with mine.

Suddenly he pulled away and I stood there , I couldn't think what had just happened.

Brian never kissed me like that said a nagging voice in the back of my mind.

I told the voice to shut up.

I looked down at the wedding ring on my finger.

I loved Brian didn't I?

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