Chapter ten

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I woke up , my eyes fluttering open slowly.

The bed creaked softly as I stood up and pulling on some warm clothes I grabbed the lightest bag I had and began to fill it with stuff I would need , clothes , food , random junk I knew I couldn't forget.

I sat down on the couch and taking out a small iron box I clipped it over the transmitter on my house arrest anklet.

The iron would stop the transmitter from reaching the devise that would knock me out.

I pulled on my pair of combat boots from high school and opened up the cabin door.

I held my breath and stepped outside , hoping that I wouldn't pass out.

Nothing happened.

I smiled and began to run , I had been on the track team in high school so I loved to run and I was good at it.

I ran for over an hour till finally I saw the lights of a town up ahead.

I was free!!!!

Well not entirely , I took out the credit card that I had in my clutch at the party and walked into a small car dealership.

A pale over weight man sat half sleeping behind the counter but fell of his stool when I cleared my throat.

"Huh? Oh can I help you lady?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"I want a fast car , now"

He looked at me "uh lady I'll need you to sign some papers and then-

I cut him off " I can give you ten thousand dollars , put it into your bank account within two minuets . I came here for a car , you never saw me "

He nodded and walked over to a black car , reaching inside and handing me the keys.

"I didn't see you" he repeated and I nodded as I swiped the credit card seconds the scanner in his phone.

He seemed satisfied as he sat back down and fell asleep.

I got into my new car and began to drive away , fast.

I drove alongside he highway until I came to a gas station , where I pulled over.

I walked inside and went over to the section were they had a lot of maps.

I picked up a map of Washington and began to walk out , but stopped.

I turned around and went into the health shit section .

I grabbed a pregnancy test , just in case cole had gotten me pregnant , I mean I think he had put on a condom , but still.

I left the gas station without paying , the guy behind the counter didn't even see me leave.

The sun was rising and light began to burn off the fog.

I loved California ,but was so beautiful especially in the winter.

I got back into my car and began to drive .

I knew where I was going , ish.

I passed a road sign


I sighed , I was finally there .

God everything here was right out of those fucked up twilight movies.

Were they filmed here?

I kept driving until it was almost midnight then I pulled out the the thick trees and into a small clearing just off the main highway.

Yes , this was the picture I had seen in one glimpse as the background of Coles phone.

I got out of the car , so tired I could barely walk.

Dragging myself up the stairs I nicked on the hard wooden door.

It was opened soon afterwards by a woman who looked to be in her fifties.

"Yes dear , can I help you" she asked , looked at me in confusion.

It was Coles mother

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