Chapter five

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I woke up and squinted against the sunlight coming in from the window .

I stood and saw my clothes that I had been wearing last night scattered around the room.

I slowly walked into the bathroom and turned on the hot water in the shower.

After I got out i just stood there , my wet hair dripping down my back.

I didn't bother putting on makeup , I wasn't in the mood.

I put on my black bra and panties then my sweat shirt back from my days before knowing Brian . I put on some old black ripped leggings and my Uggs.

I stepped out into the kitchen and saw cole.

He turned around "sleep well angel?" He asked smirking.

"No , I just cheated on Brian" I said looking down.

He sighed "why did you marry him hales?"

I shook my head "because I loved him and he love me"

He chuckled and I looked up "what?"

He picked up a cup of coffee and took a sip "you are so young angel , life isn't a fuckin fairy tale , people don't just click and you will never be returned to your prince"

I stomped my foot "I don't think life is a fairy tale , I just think it went well for me"

He laughed but it was pained "life went well for you? Well angel for others life is fucked up , they don't have fairy tale weddings and endless money to spend on shit that they are never going to use , life isn't there friend"

I looked at his face and saw a dark shadow.

What had happened to him?

I gently laid my hand on his arm.

He turned his head and our eyes met .

I couldn't look away , I felt like I couldn't move .

I slowly leaned closer to him and kissed him slowly.

He responded by wrapping his arms around me and pulling me against his chest.

I pulled away and took a deep breath.

My lips were swollen and I felt a nervous flutter in my stomach.

How could I keep doing this?

I new I felt a spark whenever cole touched me.

When ever we fought it ended up kissing or worse.

He stoked the side of my face "you should eat angel , I have to go out"

With that he left me leaning against the kitchen counter , my legs shaky.

When ever I thought of Brian , cole always appeared instead .

I raised my hand to push back my hair , my ring was gone!!!!!!

"Oh shit" I swore sand ran into the bedroom , getting down on my hands and knees looking for the ring.

Where was it?

Oh god , I couldn't lose it , that was my last thing to remind me that I was married.

Why had I kissed him then?

Why did I feel this way towards him , it wasn't just the strong sexual attraction , it was a pull that I couldn't ignore.

I ran my hands over the floor boards searching for it until...... yes!!!!!! I found it.

I slipped it onto my ring finger and smiled.

I leaned against the bed , hoping for cole to be out a while longer.

I heard the front door slam .

I sighed , he was back already.

I stood up and walked out.

He was holding an old newspaper in his hand , from about four or five years ago.

The look on his face was hard.

"Stupid newspaper company got rid of all the fucking paper , yeah sure they fucking did" he was muttering.

"What are you looking at?" I asked

He folded it up "nothing"

I tried to grab the paper from him but he grabbed my wrists.

"Don't touch that newspaper Haley or I will hurt you"

His voice was husky and deep , coming out in a growl.

I nodded but looked behind me when he put it in a high cupboard.

I would get a look at it tonight.

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