A Better Life

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Author's Note: Thank you everyone for the comments, votes and favorites! I apologize for not posting a new chapter last week. I had a headache that wouldn't go away for several days that prevented me from writing on my computer. I think I'm okay now so I will continue to try and update regularly.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Hobbit, all rights belong to Tolkien (book references) and Peter Jackson (movie references). Please forgive any grammatical errors you see.


"It was tough the first few months living in Middle-Earth." I said as I helped Bard load the boat with the barrels, though I noticed that these barrels looked to be chipped and scratched compared to the usual barrels that were sent down the river. "I couldn't get used to the mannerism that was expected from women in the town, I still don't, but I was able to camouflage myself to be able to fit in."

"How long have you been living in Lake-Town?" Balin asked me.

"Um..." I tilted my head to the side in thought before looking over in Bard's direction. "Bard, how long have I been working with you?"

"Four years?" Bard said in a strained voice as he was rolling one of the barrels onto his boat. "Going on to five I think..."

"Why?" Thorin whispered. "It's only been...a month for us since we last saw you..."

"I don't have the answer for that..." I replied as I leaned on the barrel closest to Thorin. "The only theory I have is that because I wasn't originally part of your world that I caused a disturbance? You guys belong here while I originally didn't exist. And...Gandalf did say his door was unstable. So, whatever allowed me to come here didn't know where to put me since I didn't originally start out where you left. Does that make sense? I don't know, it sounded better in my mind." I shook my head as I attempted to come up with a better reason. "I don't know magic and I never understood science."

"Sophie, we are working here." Bard commented.

"Yes, yes..." I said as I started moving the barrel I was leaning on. "I'm working and talking."


"We can talk more on the boat!" I smiled back at the company before Bard shook his head no. "What? We can't take them with us? But I waited so long for them to come to Lake-Town."

"I understand that they're your friends but Sophie, look at the barrels." Bard said as he motioned toward our work. "These barrels, as you know, come from Thranduil's realm, and we both know they never look like this. I don't know what business they had with the elves...but with the state of these barrels I can say that it didn't go well."

"Oh come on Bard!" I urged as he moved around to finish up his work so we could get home quicker. "I haven't seen them in years! I thought they were dead! And you know what that was like for me!"

"I understand Sophie, but you know as well that no one enters Lake-Town but by leave of the Master. His wealth comes from trade with the Woodland Realm, and he will not agree to letting dwarves into his town lest he risk the wrath of Thranduil." Bard said as he started to untie the rope that kept the boat from floating away.

"Bard," I went over to stop him from moving any further and hoped that he would see reason. "they're hungry, wet, and tired. Let me deal with the Master. Just...let them come along."

"Where would they stay?" Bard asked as he threw the rope back on the docks.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." I said as I pulled on his sleeve. "Please! I'll give you all my earnings for the day and half of what I've saved up..."

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