Chapter 2: The Introduction

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I pushed my fist against the door in an attempt to knock on it, and to my surprise, it was unlocked. I went inside, and when I took a glance at the living room I was blown away. The inside was just spectacular. I counted at least TWO more floors connected by a spiral staircase, which was a ridiculously big space for just ONE person to me. A black, glossy, piano was erected in the room on my left, elevated bookshelves and an enormous plasma tv in front of it on my right. The brown wood structures and some yellow LED lights made it look rustic and modern. This was exactly my dream house.

I peered closer at the top and bottom shelves. Standing atop them were several music award trophies, which kinda amazed me, because Hongjoong was only in the second year of his music career. Picking up a few sheets of paper from the piano top, I read what looked like the lyrics to his songs: *"My shine light, True light came with destiny"... "Right now we're at ocean blue, Somewhere above the waves"... "You know what we're thinking, The colour red over a blue pastel"... "A lost heart, the burden on my shoulders"...

"Oh, hey there Y/N, I was expecting you!" A familiar voice exclaimed from behind me. Jumping out of my skin a little, I turned around to see Hongjoong's friendly yet serious face. He smiled and offered his hand, "Hello there. Mother always gushed about you after she had come back from her lunch outings with your mom. You're really pretty."

"Oh, thanks," My face flushed up. "Do you live here all by yourself?"

"No, of course not!" Hongjoong laughed. "I've got seven more of my lil demon boys in the house too."

"Seven of them?!"

"Yeah! Wanna say hi?"

He clapped his hands together loudly and announced, "Children, our special guest has arrived! Come down here, before Daddy beats the shit outta you!"(Okay, I thought he was being kinda harsh but I didn't take his statement so seriously).

--San's POV--

Hearing Hongjoong yell for me and my buddies, my eyes lit up, and I came running down the stairs first before anyone else. "Hey there, will you be my friend?" The overexcited me hugged Y/N before she had to reply.


"What? Where's the pain?" I asked, concerned.

"My hand..." Y/N showed him her bandaged hand, which had been sprained when she was vigorously pushed into the pool.

"Aww, I'm really sorry!" Holding her injured hand gingerly, I was unsure about what to do next.

"Gosh, San, aren't you too skittish like a chicken without a head these days?" Yeosang said while walking down the stairs like a boss. "You've should've been more careful." Six more followed after him, including Yunho and Mingi.

"You keep quiet, Yeosang, San's already beginning to sulk," Hongjoong snapped, looking at my pouty face. "Na, it's okay, hyung, we all make mistakes," Wooyoung hugged me from the back.

"Don't feel bad, don't be," Y/N consoled me.

I looked at her, and then decided not to spoil her mood further. "Anyway," I said politely. "My name's San."

"Good boy," Hongjoong praised. He turned to my other friends. "This is Y/N. Now should the rest of you introduce yourselves?"

There was a minute of silence.

"I'm Seonghwa."




"Fix on, Song Mingi in the house man!"

"I'm Jeong Yunho-"

He stopped mid-sentence, probably because they were in an argument or something.

--Y/N's POV--

When I saw Yunho, I could've SWORN my heart rate had deteriorated to a big fat zero due to extreme shock and total awkwardness. What the FUCK was Yunho doing here, I thought. We were in a petty tiff for twenty-four hours, now all I really needed was to bump into him. AGAIN. JUST GREAT.

He glared at me, his usually warm and friendly doe-eye gaze became really cold and sharp. Hongjoong didn't look at me, but he did indeed notice Yunho's abrupt halt in his words. "Yunho, anything wrong?"

Yunho took the glare off his face and looked at him(Hongjoong). "Everything's fine, really."

"Shall I give you a tour around? This place ain't so small, you know."

"Sure, thanks, Hongjoong!" I said, relieved that I could finally get away from Yunho.

So him, Seonghwa, Wooyoung, San and I took a stroll around the modern beach mansion. The boys showed me their rooms, Hongjoong's music studio, talked about our obsessions, talents and their nicknames. We had dinner prepared by Hwa, let the waves splash around our feet on the open beach in the evening and lastly, showed me to my room. Walking into my new bedroom, I immediately felt at home. It was just like those deluxe rooms at four-star hotels, perfect for long staycations.

"Good night, Y/N," Seonghwa mused softly. But I was so tired that at that point, I was out like a light on the queen-sized bed, without changing out of my clothes and washing my face.

*guess some of my fave songs from ateez ;)

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