Chapter 3: Seonghwa's Dawn

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--Seonghwa's POV--

Once Y/N began snoring in her room, I slowly closed her bedroom door, careful not to accidentally slam it, as it could wake her up. Doing the same(making sure they're asleep) with the rest of my brothers, including Hongjoong, I slowly crept down the stairs and slipped past the door, walked briskly to the beach, and took off my shoes.

I glanced at my watch. It was already ten o'clock in the late night. I took a few seconds to enjoy the scene. There was a supermoon that night, so the moon had appeared the sky larger than usual. The golden-white colour of the moonlight played around the black ripples of the sea as stripes of playful vibrance, in perfect harmony. The cool, powdery sand soothed my feet, and became damper and damper as I walked further down. 

The black water now was splashing around my ankles, the submerged sand grains made it feel as though I was walking on clouds(the WATER version of clouds, I have a wild imagination, hehe). I continued to make my way into the ocean, as the water rose from my waist to shoulders. The sea was always at an ice-cold temperature at this hour, but I didn't care. When the water reached my chin, I took a deep breath, and lifted my feet off the shallow seabed.

Taking in long breaths to retain as much air in my body as possible, I lay my head on the cool, blanket-like surface of the ocean, and felt at ease and was more relaxed. I could always use a little private dip in the sea, I often thought, and now late at night was perfect timing. Water, it never failed to calm me down and to help me get away from my worries and the annoying kids. I closed my eyes and heaved a heavy sigh. Before I knew it, I had just become a living, breathing, human pool floatie(on the sea, not the pool, of course :)). 

I went on like that for about half an hour, then I dropped back down to earth and opened my eyes. Getting out of my floating position, my feet again touched the sandy surface of the ocean bottom. I quickly paddled to the shore and lay on the sand, where I caught some shut-eye till dawn.

--8.30 a.m--

When I awoke, fading dashes of peach were still washed over the sky, which the white, blazing diamond of the sun had bleached to a soft pastel blue, taking in the position where the moon was the previous night. It was just like an abstract painting, except for a few towering palm trees at each side. I looked ahead. The deeper side of the ocean, once black as ink, had now lightened to indigo. Closer to the shore, it was a brilliant shade of turquoise, then all the colours faded away to a foamy, bubbly white as it collided with the golden sand of the seashore. Hongjoong's refuge was at a good hundred metres away from where I sat. This was indeed, paradise.

I looked down at my shirt and shorts. They were still wet, and stubborn grains of sand clung onto them. The seawater on my limbs had evaporated, leaving behind fine salt crystals and minerals on my skin. Glad that the sun hadn't tanned my fair skin, I decided to head back to get a good shower, and stood up on my shaky, numb legs, and began to walk home. That's when I bumped into Y/N...

--Y/N's POV--

I was just trying to get some peace and quiet by taking a morning stroll(since I was no longer living in the town I thought it was gonna be a million times better at the beach than the park), only to bump into someone. We both landed on the ground, and I massaged my head, furious at who knocked into me. But when I looked at Seonghwa, I started to have second thoughts whether I was gonna scold him or not. I was in such a deep sleep the night before, my dreams had brainwashed me, and I couldn't recognise him. Looking at those god-like visuals, sparkling eyes, and slicked-back wet hair, I gulped, and asked him awkwardly, "Do I know you?"

Seonghwa's blank expression became a sad one. "Don't you recognise me? We're now living together."

Suddenly remembering him, I gasped, and apologised. "Oh, I'm sorry, I had to much of a good time yesterday, I was so tired, I forgot quite some important details."

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