Just a Boo in the World

102 4 4

Boo Woods


The two teams floated on the opposite sides of the net in two clusters of white. A volleyball bounced among one white cluster as one teammate expertly passed it to the other—until the teammate closest to the net sent the ball hurtling toward the opposing team.

"Get ready, everyone!" exclaimed the captain of the opposing team, quickly stopping the ball's descent with their appendages and hefting it toward the teammate to their left. This teammate dove forward, spiking the ball and launching it back over the net for a point.

The team cheered.

"Way to hustle!" said the team captain. "Okay, Boos—make this next play, and the game's ours. Boocien?"

Another Boo, smaller than the other Boos, came forward. "Yes?" he asked.

"They're gonna pull out all the stops on this one," said the team captain. "You think you can drive it back home?"

The one identified as Boocien glanced at the opposing team and then back at his teammates. "Yeah—I think I can," he replied.

One teammate snickered in response. "Yeah, I just bet you do," they said.

Boocien glared at his teammate, but said nothing.

"Okay," he said as he positioned himself. "Let's show them what you can do."

The game resumed. Boocien took a deep breath as a Boo on the opposing team wound up and sizzled the ball toward him.

Holy [bleep]! That ball's coming too fast! I'm not gonna make it!

With a tiny squeak, Boocien raised his small appendages, hoping to slow the ball enough to pass it to a teammate. Unfortunately, the projectile barreled into him, blowing him backward a considerable distance. He toppled end-over-end a few times before regaining his wits and righting himself. Then, he saw the volleyball on the ground and his teammates glaring at him.

"I—I can explain..." he began.

And then they were upon him.

"Thanks a lot, pipsqueak! You just cost us a big win!"

"We never should've let you onto the team!"

"You're a useless little dollop!"

"Clumsy runt!"

"You call yourself a Boo?"

On and on it went, but Boocien didn't cry. He refused to cry in front of them. As a Boo, showing any weakness was out of the question. If he betrayed even the slightest amount of hurt, then the dogs would set upon him more viciously than ever.

The cruel words followed Boocien as he floated off the court and toward the locker room with his head—er, body—held high. He stood under the shower's cool mist and washed away the stink of his exertions with some mint-scented body wash. His tongue licked out of his mouth as he rinsed himself off, and then he floated out of the shower and stared at his reflection. Since he was a Boo, he could dry off quickly without a towel.

"Hey," he told his reflection. "Chin up, okay? You may be small, but you have a big heart. That's all that matters. They'll see. They'll all see that the smallest Boos can be dangerous, too!"

Boocien cackled and departed the locker room to continue his day.

Breathe. Survive. Hold on.

The Crown, Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ