What's Boo With You?

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Boo Woods


Life had never been better for Boocien and his companions. Following their chance meeting with young Elvin, the other Boos had started to notice them, and I mean really notice them. Was it because they'd actually danced with a human, or was it something more? One thing was certain—nobody was making fun of Boocien nowadays, and he was certainly glad for that.

Boocien and Elvin had stayed in touch, exchanging letters every so often. The latter did well in his college, not getting into unnecessary scuffles and graduating at the top of his class. After that, Elvin had dove into his postgraduate studies, and as promised, earned his degree in Paranormal Science. As of his recent letter, he was living comfortably in New York City, working his way toward becoming a college professor.

While Elvin was pursuing his goals, so was Boocien. He'd worked harder than ever before on his illusions, and now he was a Boonstructor in his own right, becoming a guiding light to young Boos. Also, he seemed to be growing bigger as the years passed, and his eyes now had a noticeable purple iris. Purple—the color of genius—and of madness.

And it just so happened that he'd finally captured the King's attention.

Which brings us to our current scene—Boocien and his companions, seated at a table in the castle's Banquet Hall, receiving the opportunity to neck with high Boo society.

The table's occupants rose as the King floated in, accompanied by his bodyguards and attendants.

"Hello, everyone," he greeted. "You may sit."

Once everyone was seated, the food was served, and then the King turned to Boocien.

"I've heard a lot of things about you," he said.

"Good or bad, Your Grace?" Boocien asked, a little nervously.

"Mostly good," the King said reassuringly. "My advisors tell me that you were picked on as a child. But you didn't let that stop you."

Boocien beamed. "No, I didn't," he replied.

"And man, did you cut a rug at the JuBoolee in '37!" chuckled the King.

Everyone else chuckled with him.

"That was the most fun I'd had in a long time, Your Grace," Boocien said softly.

"I also couldn't help but notice your interactions with one of the attendees that night," mused the King. "One Elvin Gadd, if I'm not mistaken."

"Yes—the college student," said Boocien. "He's doing quite well now. I—I didn't do anything wrong by befriending him, did I?"

"I assure you, that's not the case," smiled the King. "On the contrary, I believe you made a smart move."

"How so?"

"As the King of all Boos, I have a feeling about that young man," the King enigmatically responded, "and your friendship with him could work to our advantage. He did say that he was interested in a career involving the paranormal."

Boocien understood instantly. "You think he might find a way to..."

"It's a strong possibility," said the King. "Adding to this is the fact that ghosts terrified him as a child. Do you think he'd want revenge, now that he's grown up?"

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