PiAnTbAlL fIgHtttttt

284 10 158

A/N: Italics is whispering

This is gonna be an audio chat (aka a group call), interesting :D


[An audio chat has been created]

[Cindy is connected]

[Six is connected]

[Seven is connected]

[Mono is connected]

[One is connected]

[Two is connected]

[Twenty-Three is connected]

[Flashlight Girl is connected]

[Bread Boy is connected]

[Raincoat Girl is connected]

[The Pretender is connected]

[Scarf is connected]

[Five is connected]

[Una is connected]

[Three is connected]

[Four is connected]

[Shadow Six is connected]

[Doll Twenty-Three is connected]

Cindy: Okay guys! I'm gonna do a sound check just in case you can't hear me through the comm.

Cindy: SIX!

Six: Ow don't shout.

Cindy: SEVEN!

Seven: Don't shout.

Cindy: MONO!

Mono: I swear I will throw this comm away if you shout again.

Cindy: Twenty-Three my girl.

Twenty-Three: Check uwu

Six: The heck.

Seven: Why didn't you shout at her?

Cindy: Reasons.

Cindy: One?

One: yeah.

Six: You didn't shout at One too...

Cindy: Two

Two: Check


Twenty-Three: Oof don't shout Seven.

Cindy: Three!

Three: I can hear ya

Cindy: Four!

Four: Rootin tootin ready for shootin.

Cindy: Five precious not precious boy?

Five: Here!

Cindy: RCG?

Raincoat Girl: Yep.

Cindy: Flashie?

Flashlight Girl: Loud and clear.

Cindy: Bargainer?

Bread Boy: Copy.

Cindy: Pretendy

The Pretender: I can hear you, from the start.

Cindy: Well there might be problems with the connection and plus, can you see how many of us are in this audio chat?

Little Nightmares Has A Group Chat?!Where stories live. Discover now