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"Well done Blue. I believe your family is in the stars, cheering you on." Luna said while Blue went back to lying down. "I'll find them after this, whatever this Voltron group's mission is." Blue said staring into the roof intently.

Blue couldn't really sleep much.  She was too excited to finally make amends with Allura, she was somehow part of a family.  "Oh god, not officially.  I think I'd have to do something great to be accepted by the team."  Blue thought as she got up.  "Blue?  I believe you do not have enough rest to fully be well rested.  You only had 3 hours of sleep."  Luna said as Blue was changing.  "Yeah?  Well you know I had other times I couldn't sleep."  Blue said as she put on her on her boots.  "Where will you be going?"  Luna asked.  "Well, I intend to train.  I thought you knew the regimen."  Blue chuckled.  "See you later!" Blue said waving to thin air.  "Goodbye Blue.  See you soon." Luna said going into sleep mode.  As Blue walked out, the bay doors closed a little too loud.  It didn't wake most of the group, but Shiro did wake a little.  "Fuck" Blue whispered, as she shifted into a smaller dragon and flew up the chasm.  Unaware that Shiro was watching her.  Shiro then changed into his armor and flew up to the entrance of the chasm, where he saw Blue stretching in her earth wolf form and shifted back to her Airian form.  Shiro silently sat down watching how Blue would train.  Blue looked up to the moon and took a deep breath.  She then did a series of kicks and forms and punches while shifting in between each move she did.  After she was done, she was somewhat out of breath and sweating like crazy.  She growled at her muscles ache and shifted and laid in the sand.  "You okay?" Shiro popped in.  Blue growled and faced him.  "Oh it's you."  Blue growled and shifted into her human form.  

"Oh... I would like to talk to you in your own comfortable form."  Shiro said sitting down in the sand.  "I see."  Which Blue had shifted into her Airian form and sat next to Shiro.  "So... how long were you sitting there."  Blue said.  "Long enough to know that you're a bit rusty."  Shiro chuckled.  "Rusty eh?" Blue growled.  "Then come on.  Show me your moves.  Snowflake"  Blue chuckled, getting up and ruffling Shiro's hair.  "Alright then". Shiro smirked.  Shiro then took a basic fighting stance while Blue bowed and stood entirely still enough to look like a wood plank.  Shiro then took a kick and a fury of punches at Blue which she dodged until the last one knocked her down.  Blue growled and shifted into a Nam'ni.  An alien horse creature with a long wings and a tail with multiple spikes on it's legs and deadly horns.  Shiro then noticed that Blue had no eyes.  "No eyes?  Sad.  You won't be able to see when I defeat you then."  Shiro chuckled and ran in a circle around Blue.  Blue was then silent and started flapping her wings, making the sand fly.  Shiro wasn't lucky enough and got sand in his eyes.  "Shit, shit, shit, fuck!"  Shiro yelled as he blindly thrust his Bayard around.  Blue then chuckled and shifted into an agile Eslead, which was a six legged mammal with two tails and a sharp teeth with three eyes.  Blue knocked down Shiro as he was trying to get the sand out of his eyes and face.  "Blue, point one.  Shiro, point zero". Blue chuckled as she was getting off of Shiro and shifting to her Airian form.  "I may be old and rusty, and gotten out of a cryo cell a few days ago, but I'm still strong."  Blue chuckled.  "Another round or nah?"  Blue asked going back to her side.  Shiro coughed a bit.  "Let's go again." Shiro said getting up again.  "Ready?"  Blue asked standing still.  Shiro nodded and the two sparred again under the moonlight till dawn broke.  Shiro and Blue were out of breath when dawn broke and watched the sun rise together.  "So...  you're really strong huh."  Shiro said breathless.  "True to my kind.  Each time we learn a new form, we have to be strong in order to keep the form.  We have to be strong mentally and physically.  Mentally, it takes us some time to shift through out minds to achieve the form.  And since we physically and continue to shift our muscles, bones, and system to fit the desired form, we have to be really strong.  As I said before, we'll be stuck in the form we try to shift if we aren't strong enough.  I'm strong to your kind, but in mine?  Haha.  I'm just average.  I just have enough strength to hold on to my Luna."  Blue chuckled.  "Wait.  Who's Luna?"  Shiro asked deeply confused of the name.  

The Metallic White Wolf (Voltron x OC)Where stories live. Discover now