Chapter 8

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"Ron!" Hermione yelled as she ran toward her red headed friended surrounded by his similarly red headed family.

Ron turned around and grinned, opening his arms as he saw a barrel of bushy hair dart toward him.

"Hullo, Mione," he said as he gave her a squeeze before releasing her with a worried look in his eyes, remembering that Harry is missing. "MIONE!" He yelled, she jumped back in alarm, seeing the worry in his eyes so of course, she started to worry too. "Harry's missing! It was his first time travelling by floo, obviously because of those stupid bloody muggles who—"

"Ron! Focus!" She snapped.

"—Oh yeah! And that idiot, after mum telling him quite specifically to ANNUNCIATE, you know what he said? instead of Diagon Alley he went, and I quote 'DIJAHSKALLDU'. A bloody idiot that one, it's a wonder he's alive!" Well, Hermione couldn't really disagree, Harry can be a bit of an idiot but let's not get into that right now.

"Ok so he couldn't have gone far right? It still sounded somewhat like Diagon. Are there any other alleyways around here? Maybe he fell out of a grate near one of them?" Hermione was trying to picture a map in her head but she her thoughts were a bit scattered, scared that her friend could be in danger.

"Well the main streets of Diagon split off into Jumble Street, Narroway Avenue and Knocturn Alley. Scary place Knocturn is, I think. Never been, mum would go berserk on me." Ron listed.

"Well, let's split up. Mrs Weasley can you check Jumble? Br-dad! Go with her invade she needs help. Percy and Mr Weasley go down Narroway please! Twins, you guys and Ron come with me to kn-the bank! We'll wait somewhere he could easily spot us." No one questioned Hermione taking orders, too focussed on trying to find the boy-who-keeps-getting-into-trouble-because-of-his-own-stupidity. They took off in different directions.

'I hope I'll make it back to the tower in time for my meditation session tonight.' Bruce thought to himself as he took off after the short woman who grabbed his arm and pulled him along.

"C'mon, dear. We must not lose you too. A muggle like you might get a bit lost in all this. We've already lost my boy. Oh I really hope he is safe. C'mon, Mr Granger, we must hurry—" Mrs Weasley rambled as she weaves through the crowed. Not that she needed to weave much as they seem to have parted for her seeing the Weasley matriarch charging through like a bull.

Hermione, Ron and the Twins ran toward the steps of Gringotts. They sprinted up the steps and craned their necks to look over the crowed of families, trying to spot a mop of unruly black hair. After a minute Hermione turned and looked toward the entrance of Knocturn and spotted a very identifiable half giant and a small boy tucked into his side.

"HARRY!" She yelled, so loud that the twins and Ron were shocked and had to cover their ears. She sprinted down the steps and made her way through the crowd and to her friends. Harry looked up and saw her, opening his arms much like Ron did and held onto her when she attacked him in a fierce hug.

"Hullo, 'Ermione." Harris grinned at her. Hermione let go and hugged Hagrid too, not that it was much of a hug since her arms couldn't even reach anywhere near halfway around him but it's the thought that counts.

"Hello Hagrid." She smiled before rounding back to Harry. "You absolute -whack- stupid -smack- idiot -whack-." She intercut her words with a smack, causing Harry to be scared by her a bit, having forgotten she can be quite violent. Ron and the Twins finally caught up with her and we're panting a little, bit weaving through the crowd quite as well as her and nearly getting trampled on.

"Hi, Harry." Ron gave his friend a side hug before going back to trying to catch his breath. "Merlin, I'm unfit."

"Hey-" "-there-" "Harrikins" Fred and George grinned down at him, having grown a little bit over the holidays. "So glad you are safe and in one piece, my boy."

"Harry what happened to your glasses?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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