Non-Human Seeking Re-Employment

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Status: Completed
Chapters: 156
Translated chapters: 38 (28. 7. 2020)
New translated chapters: 1 per week

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Shen Dongqing is a powerful, thousand-year-old ghost. He had just possessed a body and hadn't even relaxed for two days yet when he was pulled into a white, parallel world.

On the first day of the Infinite Nightmare Game:
Other players tremble, crying and wailing wanting to go home.
Shen Dongqing eats, sleeps, and plays 'Fight the Landlord' (card game).
The second day:

Other players are chased endlessly by ghosts, crying loudly 'Save me!'
Shen Dongqing eats, sleeps, and plays 'Fight the Landlord'.

The third day.
Shen Dongqing......
The ghosts finally set their sights on this lazy player. The other players watch on in glee. As a result, who knew that this slim and pale youth would stand up and easily dispatched the ghosts with his bare hands.

Other ghosts: Can't afford to disrupt this elder. Let's go, let's go.

Contains (minor) spoilers

It's a horror/comedy novel that is happening inside a survival game. The mc, obviously, doesn't care about the horror part at all because he is a ghost. His main problem is that he can't play on his phone much.

The setting pretty much changes with every game because it is its own individual game. Characters die very often but main characters are still alive.

Also, it's a BL novel. But there's not much except a kiss there and there

Contains actual spoilers

• It's quite funny how their relationship started with the fact that Shen Dongqing said that that the ML is delicious. He meant that literally because he wants to eat him but can't because he is a human now.
• Both of them have a very similar mindset in some cases. They see all of it as a normal game and don't care much about their life.


1. Description copied from

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