
576 7 1

Status: Completed
Chapters: 551
Translated chapters: 140 (27. 10. 2020)
New translated chapters: I'm not really sure but it's quite often. Translator seems to upload chapters together and then few days nothing and then again. But if you still want numbers then 2-10 per week.

Where you can read it

1 - 14:

15 +:


While reading a book, a sparkle of light disappeared. And, as it did, a message appeared.

[Wisdom increased by 1]

(I decided to add a prologue here because, I think, it's description as well. But it's as informative as the words above)

Reading addict.

This is what I heard from my high school homeroom teacher. However, I did not pay attention to it, because just as my teacher said, I really was an addict.

I loved to read.

Heroism? Fantasy? Writing? Romance? Humanities? Science? Essays? It didn't matter what genre. Just reading something, and reading itself is what I loved.

I am a reading addict.

Contains (minor) spoilers

It's nothing groundbreaking but it's nice for passing time. Soo Hyuk (main character) likes reading books. Not fully understanding them, reading them is enough for him. So he starts playing the new VR game with a goal to read more books.

Of course, for plot development, you need to do certain objectives to actually get into libraries. After that he gets overpowered pretty quickly because the game has seemingly unlimited choices and paths.

Soo Hyuk's personality is similar to the classic one you often see in other novels and the same applies to NPCs and other players. In other words: It's there but who really cares???

What interests me is how it will end. I'm certain that 'defeat the last boss' thing isn't what the novel is trying to go for. At least, in the normal sense of things.

Contains actual spoilers

The rank 1 job or whatever named Descendant of the Medusa's shrine (or something with Medusa in it) is renamed into Odin's Descendant later on. But then Soo Hyuk ended up with Archmage's Successor??? I'm still not sure if these two names are names for two different ones or not.


1. Description copied from
2. It has manhwa but it look extremely weird to me (I only looked at the first chapter so I may be wrong). It's just nothing like I have imagined the world to look like.

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